Posts Tagged ‘personal’

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  1. 23 May, 2024

    Be gone, vile rectangle!

    One day I’ll fulfill my dream of throwing my phone into the ocean*, but for now I’m settling for throwing my phone in my basement. The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt articulates how the potent combination of smartphones and social […]

  2. 04 Jan, 2024


    There’s no doubt about it; 2023 was objectively way better than 2022. And 2021. And 2020. Our family has been through a lot over the last 5-ish years, and I’m happy to report that 2023 contained no major medical emergencies, […]

  3. 02 Nov, 2023

    Joining Big Medium

    Well I’ll be, I’ve now been running my own business for over a decade! In January 2013 I left agency life and set out into the world of self employment. When I announced I was going to start my own company, here’s […]

  4. 11 Oct, 2023

    Finding a way to make it happen

    I’ve discovered — or rather rediscovered — that playing music is one of the biggest sources of joy and fulfillment in my life. I play music — usually by myself — every day, but it’s the connection with other musicians […]

  5. 03 May, 2023

    Bird Buddy

    A few years ago I got way into birds. I wouldn’t dare call myself a die-hard birder (yet), but it’s been a lot of fun to learn about the birds that show up in my back yard. I backed Bird […]

  6. 14 Apr, 2023


    Today marks the 1-year anniversary of Ziggy leaving us. We had a hell of a 2022 and so I’m only just now getting the opportunity to write about my best bud. Thankfully, I’ve had a year to work through my […]

  7. 30 Mar, 2023

    Retroactive Journaling

    I wish I was better at journaling. I love it and love having documentation of the things I’ve done, feelings I’ve felt, experiences I’ve had, etc. I just haven’t built the habit yet. I’d like to change that. While I […]

  8. 14 Mar, 2023

    I am an artist.

    Once upon a time, I had the word “artist” in my bio. Somewhere along the line, I removed it. Maybe it was because I was preoccupied with what I do for money. Maybe it was because I’m not a professional […]

  9. 06 Jan, 2023


    A pattern is emerging: even years are nightmare years. 2018 was a nightmare year. 2020 was a real fucking nightmare year. And now 2022 was a nightmare year. 2022 was a year of death, organizing chaos, once again putting our […]

  10. 06 Sep, 2022

    Back at it

    For the first time in my career, I took a relatively extended break from work. I’m just now returning after 6 weeks of being away, so I wanted to share some reflections from my time off. Here’s what I said […]

  11. 01 Aug, 2022

    A bit of a break

    In September of last year, I dragged my cursor across all of August 2022 in Google Calendar. I gave the calendar entry the title of “Time off?” A year later, I’m actually taking that time off! Which means that for […]

  12. 02 Jun, 2022


    This is the third time in the last four years that I’ve been forcibly yanked away from my normal life —both personal and professional — for extended periods of time. My nervous system is threadbare. My bones are exhausted. My […]

  13. 11 May, 2022

    Announcement: I’m Going to Miss You, But I Am Taking a Sabbatical

    This post really resonated with me, and hits at my feeling of needing an extended break to just kinda collect myself and get my feet back under me. My family has been through multiple rounds of crazy shit and it’s […]

  14. 16 Feb, 2022

    Working Better: Interview with web designer Brad Frost – Noisli

    Here’s a pretty candid interview I did about how I do a shit job of taking care of myself and my wellbeing. But I’m working on it! Ever feel like you wish you had more time in the day? Guess […]

  15. 03 Jan, 2022


    There’s no doubt about it: 2021 was unquestionably better than the nightmare that was 2020. Of course, we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic that continues to throw a wrench into any attempt at living a normal life, […]

  16. 13 Sep, 2021

    BDConf & Mobilewood: 10-years later

    Subtitle: How a Wisconsin-based wastewater management magazine forever changed the trajectory of my life. In early 2010, I was hired as a “mobile web developer” at R/GA at a time when the iPhone 3GS was brand new, Android was still […]

  17. 05 Mar, 2021

    Joining Project Healthy Minds

    I’m thrilled to announce that I’m joining Project Healthy Minds, a non-profit focused on destigmitizing mental illness and getting people access to mental health care and resources. There is a growing global mental health crisis that has been exacerbated by […]

  18. 01 Mar, 2021

    Notion Habit Tracking: Update 2

    I wrote about how much I love Notion and I’ve been keeping track of my healthy habits using the tool. Keeping up with new years resolutions and forming new habits requires consistency above all else. When things start slipping, it’s […]

  19. 04 Feb, 2021

    Notion Habit Tracking: Update 1

    I recently wrote about how much I love Notion and have been using it to stay on top of my personal and professional life. One of the things I’ve been using Notion for is to track my progress on healthy […]

  20. 13 Jan, 2021

    Fear and Loathing in The United States of America

    This is the first post I’ve ever written with the mindset of “I’m going to revisit this post 1, 5, 10, 20, 40 years down the road and either laugh or cry at how accurate or off the mark I […]

  21. 06 Jan, 2021

    Slowly Falling In Love With Notion

    This post is a long time coming. I’ve been using Notion since 2017, but it’s been a slow journey to get to a point where I can say that our relationship is official. Notion is now an invaluable tool for […]

  22. 27 Mar, 2020

    Hobbies for the hell of it

    I like playing music a lot. I love it, in fact. Playing music gives me an enormous amount of physical, mental, and spiritual satisfaction. I’m fortunate in that I get play music in some capacity every day, often starting my […]

  23. 19 Mar, 2020

    Strange and Surreal Times

    These are strange, surreal times. I hope everyone’s staying as healthy and safe as they can be out there. It’s really difficult to process the gravity of the coronavirus outbreak, especially since the situation keeps changing by the day (or […]

  24. 11 Jan, 2020

    3s and 7s by Queens of the Stone Age on Drums

    I’m kicking off the new year trying to continue making things like I was attempting to do all of December. While I didn’t make something every day in December, but I made a lot of headway on projects and made […]

  25. 31 Dec, 2019


    2019 was thankfully lot different than last year. This time last year I was in the neuro ICU with my dad as he came out of a coma and was fighting off spinal meningitis. I’m so incredibly thankful he’s made […]

  26. 16 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #13: Cookie party!

    For day 13 of making something every day in December, we went over to our friends Val and Jason‘s place for a Christmas cookie-decorating party! Val whipped up a ton of gingerbread and sugar cookies, which we then took and […]

  27. 09 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #8: O, Christmas Tree

    For day 7 of making something every day in December, I decorated a Christmas tree! That totally counts. Making things in December timeline: Day 1: recorded new song Day 2: wrote blog post called Music and Web Design Day 3: assembled […]

  28. 01 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December

    So I landed in a rut. Creatively speaking, at least. I realized I’ve been generally feeling pretty uninspired lately and have also been getting worked up over some pretty inconsequential things. Obviously this isn’t a good place to be. I […]

  29. 13 May, 2019

    Brad Frost Web Headquarters

    Well, it happened. A new headquarters for Brad Frost Web LLC is now in my backyard. Why? I’ve been in my house for almost 5 years and have always used one of the guest bedrooms as an office. But now […]

  30. 13 Feb, 2019

    Time for Happiness

    This article as well as a whole slew of others all seemed to come along at the same time, and they’re all hitting me at a particularly interesting time in my life. I’ve spent the last 6 years grinding really […]