Posts Tagged ‘deathtobullshit’

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  1. 17 May, 2024

    The age of average (encore) — Alex Murrell

    The age of average (encore) by Alex Murrell is a wild analysis of how the technology landscape has changed the shape of music.  “Media has always shaped music,” the author states, (David Byrne’s How Music Works is a wonderful book […]

  2. 15 Mar, 2024

    Are We Watching The Internet Die?

    As we speak, the battle that platforms are fighting is against generative spam, a cartoonish and obvious threat of outright nonsense, meaningless chum that can and should (and likely will) be stopped. In the process, they’re failing to see that […]

  3. 12 Mar, 2023

    Why You Should Stop Reading News

    While there’s nothing particularly revolutionary here, Why You Should Stop Reading News shares an important message that needs to be repeated often.

  4. 26 Jan, 2022

    Make Free Stuff | Max Böck

    This is a powerful and important read from Max Böck: He rightfully assesses the state of the landscape in its present form: This is the web as envisioned by late-stage capitalism: a giant freemium game where absolutely everyone and everything […]

  5. 17 Jul, 2021

    On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

    in our society, there seems a general rule that, the more obviously one’s work benefits other people, the less one is likely to be paid for it Source: STRIKE! Magazine – On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

  6. 16 Oct, 2018


    MODALZ MODALZ MODALZ by Adrian Egger is fantastic in both its message and design.

  7. 15 May, 2018

    This is the dumbest publishing platform on the web. Write something, hit publish, and it’s live. There’s no tracking, ad-tech, webfonts, analytics, javascript, cookies, databases, user accounts, comments, friending, likes, follower counts or other quantifiers of social capital. The only practical […]

  8. 12 Jan, 2018

    Google, You Creepy Sonofabitch

    I recently wrote a post about Facebook being a needy sonofabitch. They desperately try to get you there, and once they have you they do all they can to keep you there. It’s like a restaurant that bombards your doorstep […]

  9. 11 Sep, 2017


    I wrote about Facebook’s aggressive tactics, and Steve Portigal responded with a recommendation for FBPurity. F.B. Purity is a browser extension / add-on that lets you clean up and customise Facebook. It filters out the junk you don’t want to […]

  10. 11 Sep, 2017

    Facebook, You Needy Sonofabitch

    Several months ago, I turned off notifications from Facebook on my phone. Last week, I went ahead and removed the Facebook app from my phone. Now, I genuinely enjoy Facebook. I use it for keeping up with with my family […]

  11. 06 Apr, 2017

    The Web Looks Like Shit

    The folks from The Outline reached out to me to get my thoughts on crufty websites. Of course I have opinions. I saw some people commenting on the irony of a site with a really out-there design critiquing other websites. […]

  12. 25 Jan, 2016

    Experts Weigh In: What Is The Most Common Web Design Mistake You See?

    Adobe asked me to weigh in on the most common web design mistake I see. The answer in a word: bullshit. But of course I elaborated a bit. I think the most common web design mistake I see is sites […]

  13. 02 Sep, 2015

    Living with Bullshit

    Last week I launched Death to Bullshit, a site and blog that explore the themes of information, bullshit, and craft. On the site, I argue that people are bombarded by more information–and bullshit–than ever. People understandably want to minimize the amount of bullshit they’re […]

  14. 26 Aug, 2015

    Death to Bullshit

    I’m pleased to introduce Death to Bullshit, a site and blog that explore the themes of information, bullshit, and craft. We’re bombarded by more information than ever before. With the rise of all this information comes a rise of the amount […]

  15. 06 May, 2015

    This PGH Web Designer Explains How to Create Work Worth Sharing

    With the exception of being called a “creative”, I’m very flattered to have my Death to Bullshit talk be featured on the Made In PGH website.

  16. 20 Apr, 2015

    Death to Bullshit Logo

    This is fantastic. Josh Higgins created a logo inspired by my Death to Bullshit talk.

  17. 06 Jan, 2014

    Bullshit Overlays

    It’s 2014, and every website I visit hits me with some nonsense overlay. Stop it. I’m sure they’re effective. And I could get people on the street to take my survey by threatening them with a claw hammer. That would be […]

  18. 17 Dec, 2013

    Death to Bullshit on 99u

    My Death To Bullshit video was featured on 99u.

  19. 16 Dec, 2013

    Make Yourself Useful: Create Marketing People Actually Want

    Some interesting thoughts about how the days of marketing at people are quickly fading away, and then in order to be successful in this day in age brands/companies/people need to actually make things that are genuinely useful. While this post […]

  20. 06 Sep, 2013

    Death To Bullshit: Now With 80% More Bullshit!

    My slides from Reasons To Be Creative.

  21. 05 Sep, 2013

    Death To Bullshit GIF

    I love this animated gif @adamenglebright made from my Death To Bullshit talk at Reasons To Be Creative.

  22. 11 Jun, 2013

    Death To Bullshit on the Pagebreak Podcast

    Liz Andrade and Niki Brown spent some time discussing my Death To Bullshit Creative Mornings talk on their Pagebreak podcast. It’s cool to see how others interpret these concepts.

  23. 12 Apr, 2013

    Photos From My Death to Bullshit Talk

    They’ve published photos from my Death To Bullshit Creative Mornings talk. Images courtesy of @PlanetPeek. Watch the video here

  24. 08 Apr, 2013

    Death To Bullshit at Creative Mornings

    It was an extreme honor to be invited to speak at Creative Mornings in Pittsburgh. I love the lecture series and it was an honor to speak in my hometown about one of my favorite topics: the future. I had […]