Posts Tagged ‘pattern library’

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  1. 01 Nov, 2018

    A Frontend Workshop Environment

    Where do you build UI code? That sounds like a dumb question, but it’s a deceptively important one. There’s a few ways to do it: UI code is authored within your application environment. If you’re working on a WordPress or Drupal […]

  2. 21 Jun, 2017

    4 Things I Know About Pattern Libraries

    Dave shared some battle-earned insights about working in a pattern-driven manner and creating pattern libraries. I love his thoughts on the topic, and since I’ve seen this play out in my own work I thought I’d share my own thoughts […]

  3. 08 Apr, 2017

    A History of Patterns in User Experience Design

    Erin Malone, who helped create Yahoo!’s pattern library, gives a fantastic timeline of modular UI design. I especially love her emphasis on people sharing what they know, which is how ideas evolve and take root: It’s important to not forget […]

  4. 06 Apr, 2017

    Design Systems: Pilots & Scorecards

    My friend and frequent collaborator Dan Mall wrote up a fantastic post about a crucial part of creating design systems: pilot projects. PILOTS ARE ONE OF the best ways to put your design system through its paces, especially before the design […]

  5. 02 Jan, 2017

    Front End Style Guides

    Anna has updated her book on front end style guides! The first edition was amazing, and since then we’ve had a chance to collect a lot of resources on and interview people on the Style Guides Podcast. It sounds like she was […]

  6. 15 Aug, 2016

    Anatomy of a Reference Site Component Detail Page

    Technically a pattern library is a simple collection of UI components, but in order for design system users do their best work, a pattern library should also present other important info. Let’s take a look at what information can be displayed alongside each pattern […]

  7. 22 Feb, 2016

    Peak Style Guide

    Chris Coyier ended the latest CSS Tricks newsletter with some thoughts about style guides. As much as I love style guides, and I love style guides, I wonder if we’re at Peak Style Guide. I’ve seen logos and mascots. I’ve seen dedicated […]

  8. 12 Jan, 2016

    Frontend Guidelines Questions

    The frontend considerations of an organization are many. We’re overwhelmed by tools, processes, workflows, styles, opinions, and ever-changing best practices. In order for frontend teams to create cohesive, consistent work, it’s important for organizations to establish some guidelines for how […]

  9. 14 Dec, 2015

    Style Guide Best Practices at Beyond Tellerrand

    Last month I was in beautiful Berlin for the wonderful Beyond Tellerrand conference, where I had the opportunity to talk about style guide best practices and all that goes into creating and maintaining successful pattern libraries. Here’s a video of my […]

  10. 03 Nov, 2015

    Nail style guides with this mini masterclass

    The folks at Net Magazine asked if I’d be interested in answering some reader questions about style guides and pattern libraries. Of course I said sure. I answer some questions about container queries and keeping pattern libraries in sync and useful.

  11. 17 Aug, 2015

    Surfacing Invisible Elements

    There’s a National Geographic article that’s been stuck in my mind for many years now. It discusses how overfishing will destroy the richness and diversity of ocean life if we don’t radically alter our behavior. The post focuses on the decimation […]

  12. 17 Jul, 2015

    Style Guide First?

    On a recent episode of Shop Talk Show, Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert fielded a question regarding style guides and where they fit into the design/development process. Here was the question: I’m working on a redesign for an old website. […]

  13. 06 Jul, 2015

    City of Los Angeles Pattern Lab

    It’s really cool to see Los Angeles using Pattern Lab to make and maintain their website’s style guide.

  14. 02 Jul, 2015

    Contextual Styling: UI Components, Nesting, and Implementation Detail

    I absolutely love Harry’s post about creating agnostic UI components for more resilient design systems. I get this question a lot: how do I create a component that looks/behaves one way in one context, but another way in a second context? And […]

  15. 08 Jun, 2015

    Style Guide Best Practices Presentation

    I recently spoke at An Event Apart in San Diego where I presented on the whys, whats and how’s of style guides. Here are the slides: And here are some resources I reference in the talk:   Style Guide Types […]

  16. 07 Jun, 2015

    Pattern Language: Responsive Style Guides

    Really cool to see A List Apart hosting a conversation all about style guides, featuring some fantastic people! Looking forward to this.

  17. 05 Mar, 2015

    Designing Pattern Flexibility

    When discussing a pattern-based design workflow, one knee-jerk reaction I hear from visual designers is that a design system will stifle creativity, leaving everything looking homogeneous and bland. I think there is some validity to this concern, and this sentiment can’t […]

  18. 22 Jan, 2015

    Style Guide Podcast

    I’m thrilled to announce that Anna Debenham and I making a podcast dedicated to all things related to style guides and pattern libraries. Why We’re Making It Anna and I are firm believers in style guides and think they’re essential […]

  19. 29 Dec, 2014

    Keeping Pattern Libraries in Sync

    Marcelo Somers responded to my style guide best practices post with some thoughts on how to keep pattern library and production CSS/JS in sync. There’s some great stuff in there, however I’ve found the CSS and JS aren’t the difficult […]

  20. 19 Dec, 2014

    Style Guide Best Practices

    Style guides and pattern libraries are essential tools to help Web teams maintain sanity while creating experiences for our multi-device Web. The benefits of style guides are many: they establish a common language, make testing easier, save time and effort, […]

  21. 17 Dec, 2014

    Future Learn Pattern Library

    The team at education startup Future Learn used atomic design as the backbone of establishing their new pattern library. I especially love how they shared why the first stab at a pattern library didn’t work: Finding specific information was often […]

  22. 20 Nov, 2014

    This is why I love the Web. In a Twitter conversation sparked by someone looking for resources on style guides, we ended up in a conversation that led to a simple suggestion: @Falkowski @anna_debenham Hey you wanna put our heads […]

  23. 18 Nov, 2014

    Style Guides

    It’s becoming increasingly necessary to be consistent and cohesive across an ever-growing number of media channels. As it turns out, that’s no easy task. That’s why organizations, companies, and brands are turning to style guides to establish sound footing in […]

  24. 16 Dec, 2013

    The Part and The Whole

    Recently I’ve seen some confusion about designing interface patterns and pattern libraries, and have had a lot of conversations with design/development teams who are struggling with the concept of breaking interfaces down into their component parts. I don't understand the […]

  25. 10 Jun, 2013

    Atomic Design

    Hey there! I wrote a book called Atomic Design that dives into this topic in more detail, which you can buy as an ebook. We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components.—Stephen Hay As the craft of Web design continues […]

  26. 18 Mar, 2013

    Rock Hammer, by Andy Clarke

    A curated project library for Hammer For Mac. Rock Hammer contains baseline typography, plus styling for common HTML elements including images, forms and tables, as well as navigation, responsive modules and widgets This is awesome stuff from Andy Clarke. Read […]