Posts Tagged ‘design systems’

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  1. 22 Jul, 2024

    Master design system governance with this one weird trick

    That one weird trick? TALK. What do you do when someone doesn’t see what component they’re looking for in the design system? TALK. What do you do when someone has questions about what a component does, if it meets their […]

  2. 15 Jun, 2024

    The future is built on solid foundations

    If you feel like you’re struggling to keep up with the pace of technological change, you’re certainly not alone. We feel this pressure at an individual level, but also at an organizational level. How do digital organizations establish solid, stable […]

  3. 04 Jun, 2024

    A rare use case for em units

    text-decoration-offset is a good use case for em units. Most of the time we favor rems over ems, but in this case we want the text underline offset to proportionally scale with the `font-size` property. Here’s a quick demo: See […]

  4. 07 May, 2024

    Transparent borders

    You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none by Dave is a great reminder to not remove borders from components for accessibility reasons, especially to better support high contrast mode. border-color: transparent comes in handy for other use cases as well. […]

  5. 29 Apr, 2024

    Don’t put crap in the design system

    One of my favorite Josh lines that’s really stood the test of time and cuts through a lot of noise in a conversation: Don’t put crap in the design system. Josh Clark What is crap? Crap is rushed work, low-quality […]

  6. 10 Apr, 2024

    The Component Gallery

    There have been tons of design system roundup sites over the years, but The Component Gallery  by Iain Bean is particularly well designed and fun.

  7. 10 Apr, 2024

    The Value of Design Tokens in Modern Web Development | Southleft, LLC

    Here’s my pal and frequent collaborator TJ Pitre with The Value of Design Tokens in Modern Web Development. TJ’s post is a good overview of design tokens and the various aspects of working with them in a web development workflow.

  8. 02 Apr, 2024

    Brad Frost on Adaptable Design Systems | Design Systems Podcast

    I had a great chat with Chris Strahl on the Design Systems Podcast, and we covered a lot of ground! We sit down with Brad Frost, a leading voice in design systems. Together, we explore the critical intersection between adaptable […]

  9. 22 Mar, 2024

    Deep Dive with Brad Frost — The new frontier of design systems

    If you’ve dabbled in design systems then you’re no doubt familiar with Brad Frost and atomic design. He’s laid the foundation for design systems teams around the world. So in this discussion we talk about the types of challenges he […]

  10. 15 Mar, 2024

    Design Systems: From Atomic Design to a Global Solution

    I was recently a guest on the CodingCatDev podcast, where we covered a lot of ground around design systems, including the design system ecosystem, the idea of a Global Design System, and many of the challenges teams face when creating […]

  11. 13 Mar, 2024

    What’s Next for a Global Design System

    I recently published an article outlining the need for a Global Design System. In my post I stated: A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of the world’s web experiences, save the world’s web designers and developers […]

  12. 04 Mar, 2024

    Evolving design systems | A free Webflow resource

    As organizations race to deliver best-in-class digital experiences to their customers, the ability to innovate has become essential. Building a strong foundation is no longer the end-all-be-all to success; it’s also the ability to reimagine what’s possible tomorrow that truly […]

  13. 27 Feb, 2024

    AI and Design Systems

    We’ve all watched with simultaneous fascination and trepidation as a flood of AI-powered tools continues to wash over the digital landscape. At Big Medium, we help complex organizations design at scale and pragmatically adopt new technologies, so naturally we’ve been […]

  14. 08 Feb, 2024

    Thoughts on a Global Design System – Chris Coyier

    Here’s Chris with some excellent thoughts on the idea of a Global Design System. Between this post and our ShopTalk Show conversation, there’s some great stuff to respond to! Chris spells out a lot of tough questions and challenges around […]

  15. 08 Feb, 2024

    Are Design Systems a zero-interest rate phenomenon? |

    I love this entire post from Dave, which matches my experience helping scores of organizations navigate their design system efforts. Design systems are a hard sell on their own, as Dave explains: There’s no particular “hair on fire” problem that […]

  16. 06 Feb, 2024

    601: Brad Frost on A Global Design System + Frostapalooza – ShopTalk

    Hooo boy, this is great! I had a fantastic time on the ShopTalk Show talking about the need for a Global Design System. It was a great conversation with two people that I feel fundamentally get it; so it was […]

  17. 01 Feb, 2024

    The Gulf Between Design and Engineering / Design Systems International

    The most crucial mistake in the collaboration between designers and engineers happens when we conflate this division of tools with a need for a strong division of labor. Treating design and engineering as two completely separate processes leads to an […]

  18. 09 Jan, 2024

    A Global Design System

    TL;DR: This is a call to action to create a Global Design System that provides the world’s web designers & developers a library of common UI components. A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of the world’s […]

  19. 04 Jan, 2024

    2024 Design System Vibes

    OUT: Pattern Police IN: Empathic Sherpas OUT: An overstuffed design system libraryIN: A thoughtful, layer-cake design system ecosystem  OUT: Unnecessarily verbose documentationIN: Just enough, just-in-time documentation  OUT: Single discipline-focused design systemsIN: Cross-disciplinary design systems that serve the entire org OUT: Rushing […]

  20. 23 Oct, 2023

    Ship Faster by Building Design Systems Slower | Big Medium

    Here’s my partner Josh Clark with an absolute barn-burner of an article: Ship Faster by Building Design Systems Slower. In our work at Big Medium, we’ve guided dozens of design system teams who have felt the stress of being perceived as […]

  21. 21 Sep, 2023

    The Design System Ecosystem

    What does a mature, end-to-end design system look like in a big, complex organization? What are all the moving pieces, and how do they hang together as a well-considered architecture? What’s required and what’s optional? Hold onto your butts, because […]

  22. 15 Sep, 2023

    Design Systems with Brad Frost – The State of the Web – Google Chrome Developers

    YouTube’s recommendation algorithm led me to this interview I did about design systems with Google Chrome Developers: While it was published in Feb 2020 (😱), I think it still holds up pretty dang well!

  23. 10 Jul, 2023

    Pfizer’s Design System, spatial design, and AI is coming after your (boring) job

    Kevin Coyle, currently working with Brad Frost and friends at Big Medium, is an incredible all-star professional in tech currently focusing on frontend. We met when we enlisted his help to migrate a mutual client onto a Terraform setup in […]

  24. 05 Apr, 2023

    Choosing a name for your design system

    In what I hope becomes a series, I’ve been recording myself as I drive home from dropping my daughter off at school. Shifting away from more heady topics like AI’s impact on design and development, I felt like talking about […]

  25. 31 Mar, 2023

    2023 State of Design Systems and Where We Take Them Next – Ian Frost Weather

    Here’s my brother sharing how he’s seen the design system landscape since he’s started working on them. There’s a lot of good stuff here, but I especially like this part: The success of a system depends more on the people […]

  26. 23 Mar, 2023

    Leading Successful Product Teams

    Some really great things in here. I found myself nodding right along.

  27. 11 Mar, 2023

    Neurodiversity Design System

    Neurodiversity Design System articulates some good design best practices to make information accessible to more people. Like most things accessibility related, these are design considerations that make an experience better for everybody, not just those with disabilities.

  28. 02 Mar, 2023

    The design system mindset

    There’s so much truth to this tweet by Masato: At face value, design system jobs look quite similar to other design/development jobs; designers use design tools to design stuff and developers use front-end code to build stuff. Design systems work […]

  29. 15 Feb, 2023

    Testing Components in Storybook in 2023

    Testing design system component libraries is critically important, but has historically been a pain in the butt to implement. That’s why I’m thrilled my brilliant colleague wrote Testing Components in Storybook in 2023, which details how to lean into Storybook’s testing […]

  30. 08 Dec, 2022

    Video Interview Series #11: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Systems, with Brad Frost – Skip To Content

    I had a great time on the Skip To Content podcast chatting about how design systems are great vehicles for delivering more accessible experiences to users. Check it out: