Posts Tagged ‘web’

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  1. 26 Sep, 2024

    Approachable Open Source by Brian Muenzenmeyer

    You should buy Approachable Open Source by Brian Muenzenmeyer. If you written code before, you should buy this book. If you’ve ever spent any time on GitHub, you should buy this book. If you care about the web, you should […]

  2. 16 Sep, 2024

    Web Components for Framework Developers – Tony Ward

    Web Components are great for building Design Systems that need to work across multiple frameworks. If you’ve been working in framework-land for quite some time now, you may find some topics confusing at first. Web Components for Framework Developers by […]

  3. 24 Apr, 2024

    It’s the End of the Web as We Know It

    Here’s a pretty damning read about LLMs’ impact on the web. Just how SEO produced an extremely lucrative-yet-icky industry, optimizing web content for AI models seems inevitable. SEO will morph into LLMO: large-language-model optimization, the incipient industry of manipulating AI-generated […]

  4. 08 Dec, 2022

    A year of new avenues

    A year of new avenues is a great, inspiring read. I want to insist on an ama­teur internet; a garage internet; a pub­lic library internet; a kitchen ta­ble inter­net. At last, in 2023, I want to tell the tech CEOs and ven­ture […]

  5. 26 Jan, 2022

    Make Free Stuff | Max Böck

    This is a powerful and important read from Max Böck: He rightfully assesses the state of the landscape in its present form: This is the web as envisioned by late-stage capitalism: a giant freemium game where absolutely everyone and everything […]

  6. 17 Oct, 2018


    This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline So cool. LOW←TECH MAGAZINE

  7. 24 Jan, 2018

    My Internet Mea Culpa

    Man, this article really hit home. I’ve been thinking about my own optimistic idealism about the web (on full display at the end of this talk), and how the events of the last few years have really knocked that optimism […]

  8. 21 Jul, 2017

    Launching a Campaign Website…Quickly

    I had the opportunity to make a website for Brian Forde, who is running for Congress in Orange County, California. Brian got in touch after reading my Designing an Effective Donation Form blog post, and wanted to bring that thinking to […]

  9. 24 Oct, 2013

    Float Label Pattern

    Inline form labels can cause a lot of trouble, but at the same time the constraints of mobile screens force designers to do more with less space. It puts people in a weird position. Let’s take a look at the […]

  10. 21 Sep, 2011

    Future Friendly

    It is time to move towards a friendlier future. We live in a world that’s exploding with technological innovation and the rapid pace of change is only accelerating. We’re at the forefront of a new revolution in which we are […]

  11. 03 May, 2010

    How to Land Your First Job as a Web Designer/Developer

    A few weeks ago I had the great opportunity to travel to my Alma mater to give advice to graduating seniors in the SMAD program. As students are gearing up for graduation and heading out into the workforce, I want […]

  12. 21 Apr, 2010

    HTML5 Compatibility Sites

    With all the rapid development of HTML5 and CSS3 going on, its difficult to keep track of how far along these hotly-anticipated new features are. Thankfully, there have been some beautiful and/or functional sites popping up to help gauge the feature’s support. Here’s a list of a few great ones.

  13. 07 Feb, 2010

    Photoshop Trick for CSS Sprites: Rollover Color with Missing Fonts

    As a web developer working with a variety of designers, I often find myself in situations where I need to create rollover states in Photoshop for text assets whose fonts I don’t have installed on my computer. Here’s a technique to bypass that problem entirely.

  14. 26 Oct, 2009

    Google’s What Is a Browser

    Google’s brilliant video explaining what a video so the 92% of people who don’t know what a browser is (OUCH) can begin to understand the benefits of progressing forward. However, I wouldn’t trust the people in Times Square as they […]

  15. 28 Sep, 2009

    Magento Beginner’s Guide Review: Part 1

    Magento Ecommerce is a powerful, flexible open-source system that can produce great results right out of the box.  At Pod1, we work exclusively with Magento to deliver custom ecommerce websites for high end fashion brands and more.  Because I’ve seen […]

  16. 16 Dec, 2008

    Essential Web Development Firefox Extentions

    Web development without Firefox plugins is like building a fire with a flint when there’s a perfectly good military-grade flamethrower lying right beside you. These are the little guys that make my job and life that much easier. Web Developer […]

  17. 10 Oct, 2008

    Slivery Poetry

    Sliver Poetry is a collection of free verse poetry written by poet Seth Pesek.  Seth needed a simple website where he could easily add sample poems from his book and update purchasing and contact information with ease. WordPress was the […]

  18. 30 May, 2008

    The Case Against IE6

    Recently a few people have pointed out the fact that my blog looks awful in IE6. So naturally I immediately freaked out, dropped what I was doing, and worked around the clock to fix every quirk IE6. No, no I […]