I absolutely love Jonathan Snook‘s thoughts here. He discusses how the Mustache templating engine actually gets quite close to tech-agnostic HTML, and that’s a good thing for systems that need to go to a bunch of places. This legibility becomes important for other people who might be converting a component into other tech-specific solutions. Take this example:

<div class="c-card">
    <img src="{{ img }}" class="c-card__img" />
    <h2 class="c-card__title">{{ title }}</h2>
    <p class="c-card__desc">{{ description }}</p>

This seems quite legible to me. A React implementation of this component, however, requires a bit more syntax to wade through in order to understand the gist of what the component is doing:

var Card = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div className="c-card">
                <img src="{this.props.img}" className="c-card__img" />
                <h2 className="c-card__title">{this.props.title}</h2>
                <p className="c-card__desc">{this.props.desc}</p>

I’m not here to say React is bad, but I’d be wary to use React as the source of truth for a system that’s supposed to be translated to other tech-specific solutions. Just having to rewrite className to class would be a nuisance if you’re trying to convert the component to other templating engines.

When do you choose an agnostic platform versus a specific one? I believe it comes down to an organizational one.

100% agree. When talking about specific solutions for specific projects, you tend to get a lot of comments from the peanut gallery about “Why didn’t you just use [insert templating engine here]? Why not this technology?” Well, because for the specific organization’s tech setup one approach might be terrible, but for another company it would work perfectly.

I talk about this in the “Is your culture holy-grail compatible?” section of my book. A holy grail system like Lonely Planet’s Rizzo works well because there’s essentially one application being managed by a specific tech stack. That solution, while amazing, doesn’t scale to, say, the U.S. government and their myriad of tech stacks. That’s why their Draft solution provides essentially only HTML and CSS.

To Chris’s point here, HTML is ultimately what makes its way into the browser. How it gets there involves any number of solutions. But if you’re creating a technology-agnostic design system, I’d recommend choosing templating engines that are a bit closer to final rendered HTML than a powerful-yet-unconventional solution.