Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth

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  1. 18 Oct, 2024

    Frostapalooza: Reflecting Two Months Later – Ian Frost Weather

    Here’s Ian’s recap of Frostapalooza. Folks didn’t just show up, but everyone was so kind and encouraging. It was never about them, it was about the show and how we could make it as fantastic as possible. The guitarists were […]

  2. 16 Oct, 2024

    Cameron’s World

    Cameron’s World is a web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of archived GeoCities pages (1994–2009). Holy shit this is amazing: Cameron’s World

  3. 16 Oct, 2024

    Hire HTML and CSS people

    Every problem at every company I’ve ever worked at eventually boils down to “please dear god can we just hire people who know how to write HTML and CSS.” This UX is awful? That UI looks old? Accessibility busted? Performance […]

  4. 15 Oct, 2024

    “The design system isn’t working for me!”

    When design system users run into issues designing and developing with the system, they often have a hard time distinguishing between a bug, a missing feature, an intentional design deviation, a new pattern they need to create, or something else. […]

  5. 04 Oct, 2024

    Why every UX/UI designer should attend a masterclass with Brad Frost | by Zoi

    Well this is just a really nice piece of flattery, and a nice breakdown of my design system masterclass I delivered at HATCH Conference in Berlin last year. I truly enjoy teaching masterclasses, running workshops, and working with teams to […]

  6. 04 Oct, 2024

    Design systems die in darkness

    When you don’t hear from teams using your design system, we’ve learned over the years that it’s typically not a sign of “everything is going great” but “something is probably wrong.” We teach our client teams to be very skeptical […]

  7. 27 Sep, 2024

    Playing at Pittsburgh Plays The Cure

    I’m happy to announce that I’ll be playing bass as part of the Pittsburgh Plays concert series on December 14th at The Roxian Theatre. From Pittsburgh Play’s website: Pittsburgh Plays is a semi-annual event that offers music lovers of all […]

  8. 26 Sep, 2024

    Approachable Open Source by Brian Muenzenmeyer

    You should buy Approachable Open Source by Brian Muenzenmeyer. If you written code before, you should buy this book. If you’ve ever spent any time on GitHub, you should buy this book. If you care about the web, you should […]

  9. 25 Sep, 2024

    Workshop: Craft AI-Powered Experiences with Sentient Design

    Now available! We offer private workshops to teach product and design teams to imagine, design, and deliver AI-powered features and products. It’s all backed by Big Medium’s Sentient Design methodology, a practical framework for designing intelligent interfaces that are radically […]

  10. 23 Sep, 2024

    SmashingConf NYC

    I’m extremely excited to be a part of Smashing Conf NYC coming up on October 7-10. I’ll be: If you’re in NYC or able to make it there, I hope you’re able to make it!

  11. 19 Sep, 2024

    The already-here future of prototyping

    I’ve spent pretty much my entire career helping teams design software rather than pictures of software. Development is design. Frontend design. Front-of-front-end code. Front-end workshop environments. Death to the waterfall. The Hot Potato process. Designer/developer collaboration. Pattern Lab. I’ve shared […]

  12. 16 Sep, 2024

    Web Components for Framework Developers – Tony Ward

    Web Components are great for building Design Systems that need to work across multiple frameworks. If you’ve been working in framework-land for quite some time now, you may find some topics confusing at first. Web Components for Framework Developers by […]

  13. 12 Sep, 2024

    Creative Exploration

    I came across this great post by my friend Cameron Moll on LinkedIn. He says: Telling designers they shouldn’t use high-fidelity designs early in the exploration process can be the equivalent of telling an artist they shouldn’t use paint and […]

  14. 11 Sep, 2024

    Popcorn Style – Meetings that make you smile.

    Source: Popcorn Style – Meetings that make you smile. There’s so much greatness on display here. Popcorn Style is a tool for running standups in a way more efficient and fun way! Here’s why I love it: Respect: we need […]

  15. 06 Sep, 2024

    Every webpage deserves to be a place (Interconnected)

    This by Matt Webb is easily one of the coolest and most creative bits of web design I’ve seen in a long time. It’s a fantastic reminder that there’s still so much room to explore and innovate on the web. […]

  16. 01 Sep, 2024

    On The Ground At Frostapalooza | CSS-Tricks

    Here’s a great recap of Frostapalooza over on CSS Tricks by Ryan Trimble. CSS Tricks for me always was the Rolling Stone magazine of web design, so it’s great to get a concert review in Rolling Stone :).

  17. 29 Aug, 2024

    15 years

    FIFTEEN YEARS. That’s how long Melissa and I have been married! And holy shit, what a ride. To say our life together has been an adventure is a supreme understatement. We’ve traveled to over 30 countries across 6 continents, climbed […]

  18. 26 Aug, 2024

    Frostapalooza – Chris Coyier

    One of the best things about roping a bunch of prolific web bloggers into my show is that I get to read their take afterwards. Here’s Chris’s recap of Frostapalooza, written as only Chris could. The way Brad envisioned it, […]

  19. 22 Aug, 2024

    Raw-dogging websites

    Raw-dogging websites: index.html, styles.css, script.js. No frameworks, no CMSes, no build steps, no nuthin’. Sure, you can call it a static site, but even those tend to be compiled by sophisticated tooling behind the scenes. And also, c’mon, gotta get […]

  20. 21 Aug, 2024

    Frostapalooza in photos and videos

    After over a year of planning, Frostapalooza finally took place on Saturday night at Mr. Smalls Theatre in Pittsburgh. It’s going to take me a really long time to process what transpired and to find the words to properly describe […]