Posts Tagged ‘makingthingsindecember’

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  1. 28 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #19: Bad Girls by M.I.A. Drums

    For day 19 of making something every day in December, I recorded myself playing drums along to Bad Girls by M.I.A. I really like playing drums along to other music, and Bad Girls by M.I.A. has long been a favorite […]

  2. 23 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #18: Jamming with Melissa

    For day 18 of making something every day in December, I recorded a late-night jam with Melissa. As with our other jams, there’s nothing planned and there are no expectations to make something that resembles a finished piece of music. […]

  3. 23 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #17: Even More Cans

    For day 17 of making something every day in December, I continued to work on a can art project. Once again, not much to look at, but I find the act of cutting and painting these cans to be really cathartic […]

  4. 23 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #16: Another Jam with Ian

    For day 16 of making something every day in December, I recorded another jam with Ian. Like the others, there’s nothing particularly special about this recording, but what is special is the deliberate act of playing and recording music. I […]

  5. 23 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #15: More Cans

    For day 15 of making something every day in December, I continued to work on a can art project. Still not much to look at right now, but a little bit of progress is still progress.   Making things in […]

  6. 16 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #14: Cans

    For day 14 of making something every day in December, I started an art project involving cutting and painting a bunch of aluminum cans. It doesn’t look like much right now: I’ve done some projects like this in the past, […]

  7. 16 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #13: Cookie party!

    For day 13 of making something every day in December, we went over to our friends Val and Jason‘s place for a Christmas cookie-decorating party! Val whipped up a ton of gingerbread and sugar cookies, which we then took and […]

  8. 14 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #12: Making progress on a song

    For day 12 of making something every day in December, I made some progress on a song. Here are the results: This is a song that I’ve had around for a long while now, and while going through some stuff […]

  9. 14 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #11: Lunchtime jam with Ian

    For day 11 of making something every day in December, I recorded another lunchtime jam with Ian. I realize I’m one day behind in my posting (cross-country travel throws a wrench into lots of things), so hopefully I’ll be able […]

  10. 11 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #10: Coffee doodle

    For day 10 of making something every day in December, I doodled on a Starbucks cup. Nothing special, just flying back from San Francisco and don’t really have access to much else en route. making things in december timeline: Day […]

  11. 09 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #8: O, Christmas Tree

    For day 7 of making something every day in December, I decorated a Christmas tree! That totally counts. Making things in December timeline: Day 1: recorded new song Day 2: wrote blog post called Music and Web Design Day 3: assembled […]

  12. 07 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #7: Funky Border Animation Codepen

    For day 7 of making something every day in December, I made a Codepen of a little funky border animation concept I’ve been thinking about: See the Pen dyPYwdj by Brad Frost (@bradfrost) on CodePen. I’ll admit that it’s not […]

  13. 06 Dec, 2019

    Doing It Right

    I’ve been spending a lot of time getting things right. Like, really right. One thing about working on giant design systems is that every minor shortcut, every assumption, every “that should probably do it” gets blown to smithereens in the […]

  14. 06 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #5: jamming with Ian

    For day 4 of making something every day in December, I recorded a jam with Ian. This is a pretty typical lunchtime session for us: just a couple minutes between lunch and work to plunk around. Nothing fancy, but lots of […]

  15. 05 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #4: Animated atom SVG

    For day 4 of making something every day in December, I made an animated atom SVG on Codepen: See the Pen Animated atom SVG by Brad Frost (@bradfrost) on CodePen. I was feeling pretty tired last night so figured I’d […]

  16. 04 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #3: Assembling a Jeweler’s Bench and Bonus Track

    For day 3 of making something every day in December, I assembled a jeweler’s bench for my wife, who runs a jewelry studio called Frost Finery. She’s moving out of current Frost Finery headquarters (in our basement) and getting a […]

  17. 02 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #1: New Song

    For my first day of making something every day in December, I recorded a song. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! A few notes and observations: I picked up on a guitar riff that my wife Melissa was […]