Posts Tagged ‘dave rupert’

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  1. 07 May, 2024

    Transparent borders

    You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none by Dave is a great reminder to not remove borders from components for accessibility reasons, especially to better support high contrast mode. border-color: transparent comes in handy for other use cases as well. […]

  2. 08 Feb, 2024

    Are Design Systems a zero-interest rate phenomenon? |

    I love this entire post from Dave, which matches my experience helping scores of organizations navigate their design system efforts. Design systems are a hard sell on their own, as Dave explains: There’s no particular “hair on fire” problem that […]

  3. 06 Feb, 2024

    601: Brad Frost on A Global Design System + Frostapalooza – ShopTalk

    Hooo boy, this is great! I had a fantastic time on the ShopTalk Show talking about the need for a Global Design System. It was a great conversation with two people that I feel fundamentally get it; so it was […]

  4. 25 May, 2023

    Sometimes the job is an assembly line

    I really enjoyed this post from Dave about the different kinds of work folks can encounter. I also want to acknowledge that sometimes the job is an assembly line. Times exist when you need to slow down, think, explore, and use the […]

  5. 16 Feb, 2023

    The case for Flex applications –

    This is fantastic. Great work, Dave. Source: The case for Flex applications –

  6. 19 Oct, 2021

    HTML with Superpowers –

    Here’s a great talk about web components from Dave. We’ve been building a lot of web component-based design systems with our clients, and I’m bullish about their future. I think if you were using Web Components before 2020 you were […]

  7. 20 Sep, 2021

    A Definitely Real-Life Front-Interview Experience – YouTube

    This is phenomenal.

  8. 23 Apr, 2020

    Low-Challenge, High-Skill Tasks in Terrible Times

    This is really good stuff from Dave exploring work, mental health, and productivity in these surreal times. Depending on your situation, work still needs to happen… but it’s going to look different. Your core needs are different. Don’t feel pressure […]

  9. 04 Feb, 2020

    Design Systems, Agile, and Industrialization

    Hoo boy, a blog post rebounding a blog post which rebounds a blog post. Let me jump on this train! Jeremy Keith clearly articulates a concern about design systems I often hear from many designers: In that light, design systems […]

  10. 11 Apr, 2019

    Some Unsolicited Blogging Advice

    Some great advice from Dave about blogging. If you have any idea at all, start a draft. 100% yes. I currently have 141 drafts sitting here in WordPress, and have a bunch more in my head that I want to […]

  11. 23 May, 2018

    My Struggle with Testing Code –

    I know that unit testing logic and functional/integration testing DOM manipulation is different. But again, there’s a gulf in my mind between expect(page.title).toBe(‘hello world’) and “Make sure this doesn’t fuck up when resizing Internet Explorer 10 between 720px and 800px.” Source: My […]

  12. 12 Apr, 2018

    Pitfalls of Card UIs

    Card grids are definitely a common pattern in almost all my projects, and I’ve run into all of the pitfalls Dave lays out. I’ve been thinking a lot about this post ever since I read it, and I feel I […]

  13. 21 Jun, 2017

    4 Things I Know About Pattern Libraries

    Dave shared some battle-earned insights about working in a pattern-driven manner and creating pattern libraries. I love his thoughts on the topic, and since I’ve seen this play out in my own work I thought I’d share my own thoughts […]

  14. 21 Apr, 2014

    Pattern Lab discussion

    Earlier today Dave Rupert, Addy Osmani, and several others had a great discussion about Pattern Lab, node, and what’s next. There are some interesting nuggets in there.