Posts Tagged ‘atomic design’

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  1. 15 Mar, 2024

    Design Systems: From Atomic Design to a Global Solution

    I was recently a guest on the CodingCatDev podcast, where we covered a lot of ground around design systems, including the design system ecosystem, the idea of a Global Design System, and many of the challenges teams face when creating […]

  2. 04 Mar, 2024

    Evolving design systems | A free Webflow resource

    As organizations race to deliver best-in-class digital experiences to their customers, the ability to innovate has become essential. Building a strong foundation is no longer the end-all-be-all to success; it’s also the ability to reimagine what’s possible tomorrow that truly […]

  3. 06 Oct, 2023

    From Template to Atoms.

    I’m definitely not trying to single this particular article, but it’s a common misconception about atomic design that’s persisted over the years: Starting Point: The initial stage of Atomic design begins with the smallest design elements, such as buttons, labels, […]

  4. 05 Sep, 2023

    Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational

    Absolutely honored to have atomic design included in this roundup of Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational posts.

  5. 05 Sep, 2023

    AI: The Next Chapter in Design | Figma Blog

    It’s an honor to be referenced at Figma’s Config keynote and follow-up article AI: The Next Chapter in Design.  I like how Figma used the atomic design methodology to articulate where AI might prove to be most useful. Lower-level atoms […]

  6. 24 Apr, 2023

    Containing multi-site management within a single codebase – Vercel

    Containing multi-site management within a single codebase covers how one can apply atomic design principles in a React codebase.

  7. 24 Oct, 2022

    Atomic design and the future of design systems with Brad Frost – PodRocket

  8. 06 Feb, 2022

    Structuring your Storybook

    Here’s the Storybook team with a post that breaks down how different teams organize and structure their Storybooks. This kind of analysis is great and demonstrates how you can slice things in many useful ways depending on the needs and […]

  9. 24 Aug, 2020

    The onion for Design Systems: atomic design and pace layering

    I’ve always been surprised to see how people interpret/reinterpret atomic design, but I’ll say seeing atomic design mashed up with Stewart Brand was particularly surprising! Source: The onion for Design Systems: atomic design and pace layering

  10. 22 Nov, 2019

    Atomic design / Pattern Lab logo shirt

    Like atomic design? Like Pattern Lab? Or even just like chemistry? You can order an atom t-shirt from Cotton Bureau. Thanks Brian for making this happen! 

  11. 10 Jul, 2019

    Extending Atomic Design

    Atomic design is now over 6 years old (which is nuts!). I’m thrilled that all these years later the methodology continues to help teams think of their user interfaces as a hierarchical, interconnected set of components that build real product […]

  12. 26 Apr, 2019

    Let’s Make A Design System! Live Coding at Smashing Conf

    I had a great time at Smashing Conf San Francisco, where my session involved live-coding a design system on stage. It was the first time I’ve ever live-coded on stage before and was terribly nervous about the whole thing. Thankfully, […]

  13. 26 Feb, 2019

    Ceasing Sales of Atomic Design Paperback Version

    Atomic Design has been on sale for about two and half years, and I’m making the decision to stop selling paperback copies of the book. You can still buy the ebook version of the book for 10 bucks in addition […]

  14. 11 Nov, 2018

    Creating atomic components in Figma

    It’s great to see that design tools like Figma and Sketch have improved so designers can practice atomic design within them.

  15. 01 Nov, 2018

    Yes, your startup is ready for a design system

    Rather than starting out by building out buttons and components (a mistake we made early on), focus instead on building flows and working backward from there. It took hundreds of sketches, brainstorming sessions across teams, wireframes, and mockups to arrive at […]

  16. 29 Aug, 2018

    Thinking About React, Atomically

    React, at its core, follows Atomic Design inherently by encouraging developers to keep components as simple and as broken down as possible. From this simplicity, we can create more complex components and containers of components to create the user interfaces […]

  17. 09 Jul, 2018

    Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab Online Course

    I’m excited to share an online course called Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab for Gymnasium. Here’s what the course covers: This course will teach students the atomic design methodology, setting up Pattern Lab, building & using UI components […]

  18. 24 Jun, 2018

    Reflections on building an MVP design system in 3 months

    This post lays out a lot of the first steps of creating a design system in short order. I enjoy how the author reflected on some of the initial tool and process churn as the team found their bearings. This […]

  19. 14 Jun, 2018

    Tools In The Basement

    After putting my daughter to bed last weekend, I crept downstairs to finally hang pegboard and organize the jumble of tools scattered around my basement. And wow, what a therapeutic, enjoyable experience that was! As I was performing this strangely […]

  20. 23 Apr, 2018

    Who actually uses atomic design?

    A few people have gotten in touch with witty comments like “Care to comment?” It’s always fun to see people get caught up in labels and nomenclature, but ultimately I think the mental model continues to be helpful (for me […]

  21. 02 Apr, 2018

    Creating Themeable Design Systems

    TL;DR: Design systems + CSS Zen Garden = Awesome. Is it possible to create a single design system that powers wildly different-looking brands and experiences? The answer is yes! But why would you want to? Different audiences and contexts – […]

  22. 14 Nov, 2017

    Self-Publishing a Book for Fun and Profit

    I wrote and self-published a book called Atomic Design, and I’m really pleased with how the whole thing turned out. I want to share my experience largely because I think the process has a lot to offer other authors who […]

  23. 22 Oct, 2017

    About Face: How Changed its Design Process and became Dotdash

    Adam McClean and Dan Mall had a fantastic chat with Jared Spool about the work we did to help transform into the new Dotdash. We took their monolithic brand and exploded it into a suite of topic-specific brands, with […]

  24. 25 Apr, 2017

    Designing for Edge Cases

    This is fun. I’m a big fan of designing for dynamic content, which is why template and page stages of the atomic design methodology are two separate things. It’s critical to address best case scenarios, worst case scenarios, and everything in between. That’s […]

  25. 11 Apr, 2017

    Josh Clark on The Full Stack Design System

    Josh wrote up some thoughts about the fantastic, previously-shared Full Stack Design System article, which includes a bit where he goes to bat for atomic design. From the original article: Atomic Design will tell you to take some of your […]

  26. 06 Apr, 2017

    The Book Report: Atomic Design

    Here’s a very kind book review of Atomic Design from Josh Tuck. I remember talking to him about Bob’s Burgers, so I’m glad that made it into the review 🙂

  27. 06 Apr, 2017

    The full stack design system

    Emmet Connolly underscores the point that simply having a UI pattern library isn’t enough to create successful work across products at an organization. To return to our Lego analogy, simply having a limited pattern library of bricks to choose from doesn’t […]

  28. 08 Feb, 2017

    Learning the Web Using Atomic Design

    Ian wrote up some thoughts about how he came into the web industry. By way of being my brother, he had the concepts of modularity and atomic design beaten into him from Day 1 on the job. Perhaps he has […]

  29. 29 Jan, 2017

    Talkin’ Atomic Design on the Non-Breaking Space Podcast

    I had a great time chatting with my pal Christopher Schmitt about atomic design principles, my book, and a bunch of other stuff. Give it a listen!

  30. 28 Nov, 2016

    Atomic Design Out Now

    I have great news: Atomic Design is complete and is on sale now!  You can pick which flavor of the book suits you best: Paperback for $20 Ebook for $10 Paperback + Ebook for $25 The ebook includes ePub, mobi, and PDF formats so you […]