Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab Online Course
I’m excited to share an online course called Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab for Gymnasium. Here’s what the course covers:
This course will teach students the atomic design methodology, setting up Pattern Lab, building & using UI components inside Pattern Lab, and manipulating data to create sophisticated page prototypes. Specifically you will learn the following: the 5-stage atomic design methodology, installing Pattern Lab, building frontend components in Pattern Lab, designing with dynamic data within Pattern Lab, and using advanced Pattern Lab features such as pseudo-patterns, pattern status, and more.
After years of talking about atomic design and Pattern Lab on stage and in workshops, I’ve never actually done a deeper walkthrough of how Pattern Lab works. So consider this to be a solid overview of how to use Pattern Lab to create flexible, reusable UI design systems.
Turns out, I really like the format of screencasts! I’m hoping to do a lot more of them and bake them right into Pattern Lab documentation. Brian and the community have been hard at work getting Pattern Lab 3 ready to go, and we have a lot of great stuff planned over the coming months. Very excited about what’s to come!
So yeah, check out the course! You can sign up Gymnasium for free an get access to a bunch of other helpful courses as well.