Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth

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  1. 18 Sep, 2023

    How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility – Smart Interface Design Patterns

    Getting support for accessibility efforts isn’t easy. There are many accessibility myths, wrong assumptions and expectations that make accessibility look like a complex, expensive and time-consuming project. Let’s fix that! Below are some practical techniques that has been working well […]

  2. 15 Sep, 2023

    Design Systems with Brad Frost – The State of the Web – Google Chrome Developers

    YouTube’s recommendation algorithm led me to this interview I did about design systems with Google Chrome Developers: While it was published in Feb 2020 (😱), I think it still holds up pretty dang well!

  3. 05 Sep, 2023

    Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational

    Absolutely honored to have atomic design included in this roundup of Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational posts.

  4. 05 Sep, 2023

    AI: The Next Chapter in Design | Figma Blog

    It’s an honor to be referenced at Figma’s Config keynote and follow-up article AI: The Next Chapter in Design.  I like how Figma used the atomic design methodology to articulate where AI might prove to be most useful. Lower-level atoms […]

  5. 05 Sep, 2023

    Never waste your midlife crisis – Austin Kleon

    You should never waste your midlife crisis. You can do great things with a midlife crisis. I love all of Austin’s great blogging and sharing, and this one stuck with me: never waste your midlife crisis. As a human being […]

  6. 05 Sep, 2023

    News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier | The Guardian

    News is bad for your health. It leads to fear and aggression, and hinders your creativity and ability to think deeply. The solution? Stop consuming it altogether News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make […]

  7. 28 Aug, 2023

    How to Be Happier Without Really Trying – Barking Up The Wrong Tree

    How to Be Happier Without Really Trying summarizes a lot of the tactics I take in my own life to be happier (errr, more tranquil). This post does a good job summarizing Epicurean philosophies Live For Pleasure: Not the frat […]

  8. 17 Aug, 2023


    I’m elated to announce that on August 17th, 2024 — exactly one year from now — I’m throwing a big-ass charity concert/party/happening in Pittsburgh, PA featuring an array of my talented musical collaborators, friends, and family. I’d love for you […]

  9. 09 Aug, 2023

    Hatch Conference – An event for UX & design experts in Berlin & online

    Besides talking about the current state of Design and his masterclass at Hatch, we dive into AI, holding onto things you love that don’t necessarily pay the bills, and he reveals the story on how that famous astronaut helmet came […]

  10. 19 Jul, 2023

    Sabbradical Vibe Check #1

    Why hello there! I’m over three weeks into my 3-month sabbatical. Or Sabbradical as several people have pointed out (which, holy shit why didn’t I think of that!). Imagine waking up in the morning and saying “I wonder what I’m […]

  11. 10 Jul, 2023

    Pfizer’s Design System, spatial design, and AI is coming after your (boring) job

    Kevin Coyle, currently working with Brad Frost and friends at Big Medium, is an incredible all-star professional in tech currently focusing on frontend. We met when we enlisted his help to migrate a mutual client onto a Terraform setup in […]

  12. 27 Jun, 2023

    No Handoff: close the gap between product and engineering

    I love this initiative from Shamsi Brinn: No Handoff: close the gap between product and engineering. Imagine a project where teams work together at each stage, progressively improving the end result based on qualitative and quantitative data. Project handoff is […]

  13. 27 Jun, 2023

    “Artificial Intelligence & Humanity,” an article by Dan Mall

    I love Dan’s Artificial Intelligence & Humanity as it mirrors a lot of my own thinking about how best to wield AI. If I embrace the role of AI as an accident generator, then I’d gladly give it all the […]

  14. 26 Jun, 2023

    User Inyerface – A worst-practice UI experiment

    User Inyerface – A worst-practice UI experiment is “a challenging exploration of user interactions and design patterns.” Hilariously bad UX and a lot of fun.

  15. 23 Jun, 2023

    Stop! Sabbatical time

    I’m taking a three-month sabbatical! It feels really weird to write that sentence, and it feels even weirder to add an exclamation mark at the end of it. But that’s what’s happening, even if it hasn’t sunk in yet. I’ve […]

  16. 19 Jun, 2023

    The A.I. Dilemma – March 9, 2023

    Well ain’t this just some pretty damning and sobering stuff. The examples they use to demonstrate the lack of thought or safety built into these technologies is incredibly unnerving. They demonstrate how basic, 101-level stuff to keep kids safe is […]

  17. 19 Jun, 2023

    The Dangers Of Highly Centralized AI | by Clive Thompson | Medium

    The field of large language models is becoming dangerously centralized. A huge amount of power resides in the hands of a tiny number of firms. Source: The Dangers Of Highly Centralized AI | by Clive Thompson | Medium

  18. 19 Jun, 2023

    Artificial intelligence: who owns the future? – ethical.net

    Beyond the contemporary issues lurk deeper long-term questions. What should and shouldn’t we automate? Should we create lethal autonomous weapons, or should a human always take charge of life-and-death decisions? How will we earn a living and even find meaning […]

  19. 01 Jun, 2023

    2023 Milky Way Photographer of the Year – Capture the Atlas

    I could look at this stuff all day: 2023 Milky Way Photographer of the Year – Capture the Atlas Via Kottke

  20. 30 May, 2023

    Mini Moog Factory

    Mini Moog Factory is a really fun piece of web design. The aesthetic reminds me of Habbo Hotel from way back in the day.