Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth
08 Jun, 2015
Style Guide Best Practices Presentation
I recently spoke at An Event Apart in San Diego where I presented on the whys, whats and how’s of style guides. Here are the slides: And here are some resources I reference in the talk: Style Guide Types […]
07 Jun, 2015
Pattern Language: Responsive Style Guides
Really cool to see A List Apart hosting a conversation all about style guides, featuring some fantastic people! Looking forward to this.
07 Jun, 2015
Interface Writing: Code for Humans
Great long read from Nicole Fenton about designing effective interface copy.
07 Jun, 2015
Adam Onishi talks about the dangers of using words like “obviously” (and “just”) when we’re communicating with others. When we try to teach people whether in a tutorial, a conference talk, or even some over the phone training, we need to […]
07 Jun, 2015
Tiny Content Framework
This is a tiny content strategy framework focused on goals, messages, and branding. This is not a checklist. Use what you need and scrap the rest. Rewrite it or add to it. These topics should help you get to the […]
07 Jun, 2015
The War on Pinball
Little known fact: I’m a huge fan of pinball. This is a fascinating story about how pinball was considered illegal for a long time, even at the height of its popularity. This topic is also covered in the excellent pinball documentary […]
07 Jun, 2015
I Have No Idea What The Hell I Am Doing
I recently had the opportunity to be the opening keynote at Generate Conf in New York City. I got a chance to talk about dealing with uncertainty of the future. Here is the video of the talk: And here’s the transcript: Thank you. How’s […]
02 Jun, 2015
Responsive Strategy Illustrations by Stephanie Walter
Stephanie Walter created some beautiful illustrations based on my post about responsive design strategies. I absolutely love the pooling water around the mobile screen in the retrofitting example, and love the layered shades of blue in the mobile-first example.
30 May, 2015
Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhood: Then and Now
Love these images of my neighborhood in Pittsburgh that demonstrate how much (and in some cases how little) it’s changed over the years. via Jason Head
30 May, 2015
Video: Multi-Device Output, Input, and Posture
Really handy tips from Luke about multi-device trends and designing for a whole slew of screens.
30 May, 2015
Web! What is it good for?
This post by Jeremy really resonated with me. Definitely worth your time to read it in its entirety.
30 May, 2015
Paper Interface Inventories
We print out page designs, hand them some scissors, and get them to cut up the pages into their smallest components. Mix them all up so you can’t even tell which components came from which pages. I really like this […]
30 May, 2015
Polymer Element Catalog
As someone who spends a lot of time thinking about modular design and development, it’s cool to see the Polymer project evolve with this nice catalog of components. There’s even a little chemistry metaphor going on, which of course makes […]
27 May, 2015
What is the Web for?
What is the Web for? Is it a platform for robust applications? Or should the Web admit defeat and settle on being a web of documents? These are the wrong questions. The question is not “what is the Web is for”, but […]
24 May, 2015
Ben Brignell’s #uxlondon sketchnotes
Ben Brignell’s sketch notes from my atomic design talk at #uxlondon.
21 May, 2015
Why I Care About Accessibility
As part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the folks at Fresh Tilled Soil asked me for my thoughts on accessibility. So here they are: And in the spirit of accessibility, here’s a transcript of the video: Yeah, accessibility matters a […]
21 May, 2015
Make every thing fight for its life. Fight for its right to exist. Stop adding shit. Start killing shit. Victory is subtraction. Rip it all out. Be ruthless. Demand better. Reorder. Stop blindly adopting tools. Stop breaking the Web. Be […]
20 May, 2015
Making a difference with performance
Here’s Jaime Caballero with some fantastic advice on how to improve your experience’s performance.
19 May, 2015
Head Meets Wall
The trick is knowing when bashing your head against a wall repeatedly will lead to a breakthrough instead of you lying unconscious in a pool of blood.
18 May, 2015
Web Conference at PSU
I’m thrilled to be speaking at the Web Conference at Penn State alongside so many other great speakers (including apparently Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame. Life achievement unlocked?). Registration closes in just a few days, so I’d look into […]