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  1. 21 Jun, 2019

    Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout

    If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS. […]

  2. 14 Jun, 2019

    Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score

    This post flips the topic of accessibility best practices on its head and demonstrates how to exclude everyone, even while still scoring perfectly on accessibility tools. The moral of the story: automated accessibility tools can help but shouldn’t be the […]

  3. 11 Jun, 2019

    Rethinking designer-developer collaboration

    My design partner in crime Dan Mall and I were interviewed on the Design Better podcast about breaking down barriers between designers and developers. Give ‘er a listen here.

  4. 12 Apr, 2019


    I think this post and The Great Divide are two of the most important reads about the state of frontend web development right now.

  5. 11 Apr, 2019

    A site showing how many people on US government websites right now, as well as loads of other data. So cool.

  6. 11 Apr, 2019

    Some Unsolicited Blogging Advice

    Some great advice from Dave about blogging. If you have any idea at all, start a draft. 100% yes. I currently have 141 drafts sitting here in WordPress, and have a bunch more in my head that I want to […]

  7. 05 Apr, 2019

    The realities of Deep Work: What happened when designer and author Brad Frost scheduled every minute of his day

    The folks over at RescueTime interviewed me about my decision to schedule every minute of my day. I’ve really benefitted from establishing some rigor to my schedule. Here’s what I have to say a few months in: “After playing it […]

  8. 03 Apr, 2019

    Future Ethics with Cennydd Bowles at SustainableUX

    I’ve written about Cennydd’s amazing Future Ethics book, and this talk is a great intro to the contents of the book. Highly recommended viewing/reading.

  9. 03 Apr, 2019

    Dev perception

    When we’re evaluating technologies for appropriateness, I hope that we will do so through the lens of what’s best for users, not what we feel compelled to use based on a gnawing sense of irrelevancy driven by the perceived popularity […]

  10. 31 Mar, 2019

    CVS Receipt Codepen

    This extra-long CVS receipt Codepen makes me incredibly happy since my high school job was working at CVS.

  11. 31 Mar, 2019

    Input Type Sandbox

    Cool little utility from Aaron Ladlage that creates solid form patterns using native HTML5 controls and attributes.

  12. 10 Mar, 2019

    Best practices: components, styles, and shared libraries

    While I still have plenty of doubts of having to maintain a 1:1 static version of a design system, this rundown of how to create a component library in Figma is a great walkthrough if that’s the path you’re going […]

  13. 16 Feb, 2019

    Application Holotypes: A Guide to Architecture Decisions

    I love this classification of different kinds of web applications. It takes a more nuanced view of “sites vs apps”. I’d love to see this turned into a full-blown site with additional holotypes (airline, hotel chain, etc).

  14. 13 Feb, 2019

    Time for Happiness

    This article as well as a whole slew of others all seemed to come along at the same time, and they’re all hitting me at a particularly interesting time in my life. I’ve spent the last 6 years grinding really […]

  15. 13 Feb, 2019

    Measuring the Impact of a Design System – Cristiano Rastelli – Medium

    Measuring the Impact of a Design System is a tough topic, as design systems are a bit fuzzy. It’s not as clean cut as a website redesign. This is a fantastic post with some really awesome visualizations that helps put […]

  16. 12 Feb, 2019

    The ineffectiveness of lonely icons

    After more than a year of using her tablet to read Email, my mother had no idea the Gmail application can be used to write an email. Why? Because after more than 12 months of using an application, she still […]

  17. 20 Jan, 2019

    Composing Components

    Good case study for building out a React-powered design system.

  18. 07 Jan, 2019

    Stepping away from Sass

    In this great post, Cathy Dutton explains how she removed Sass from her codebase. Why? She explains how she used to use Sass for layout, variables, and typography, but now native CSS features take care of that for her. I’ll […]

  19. 07 Jan, 2019

    Making Future Interfaces: Algorithmic Layouts

    Well, shit, this was entertaining! Here’s Heydon Pickering with a video explaining how flexbox and CSS Grid can help us make more responsive layouts with less work. While there are a lot of resources out there for learning things like […]

  20. 03 Jan, 2019

    Design Systems Workshop

    I’m super excited to head to Austin, Texas to give a workshop all about creating and maintaining design systems. I’m likely not doing a lot of design systems workshops this year, so don’t miss your chance! You can get tickets […]