Posts Tagged ‘video’

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  1. 03 May, 2024

    The Weather Channel’s Local on the 8’s Throughout The Years

    Our family was raised on The Weather Channel. So much so that Ian became a meteorologist. So this video that steps through the Local on the 8s over the years gives me all the nostalgic feels.

  2. 22 Mar, 2024

    People hearing music for the first time

    One video phenomenon that has me enthralled hook, line, and sinker is people hearing music for the first time. Watching vicariously as others experience amazing music for the first time brings me so much joy. Sure, it’s entertaining, but it […]

  3. 05 Apr, 2023

    Choosing a name for your design system

    In what I hope becomes a series, I’ve been recording myself as I drive home from dropping my daughter off at school. Shifting away from more heady topics like AI’s impact on design and development, I felt like talking about […]

  4. 23 Feb, 2023

    Amateur – Lasse Gjertsen

    For whatever reason, this video just crashed into my memory like a meteorite. I remember likely landing on this video via Stumble Upon (!!!), and I remember showing it to everyone. It was incredibly influential for me as it combined […]

  5. 07 Jan, 2019

    Making Future Interfaces: Algorithmic Layouts

    Well, shit, this was entertaining! Here’s Heydon Pickering with a video explaining how flexbox and CSS Grid can help us make more responsive layouts with less work. While there are a lot of resources out there for learning things like […]

  6. 19 Mar, 2017

    Paul McCartney Offers a Short Tutorial on How to Play the Bass Guitar

    I absolutely love this clip of Paul McCartney showing how to play the bass part for Ever Present Past. He’s just so casual explaining it all (speaking of casual, it’s weird to see him dressed in a t-shirt). Here’s the things I […]

  7. 07 Nov, 2016

    ‘Thought Leader’

    This is phenomenal. via Adactio.

  8. 30 Aug, 2016

    Clarity Conf Video Online

    I kicked off the amazing Clarity Conf, a conference dedicated to style guides and design systems, earlier this year and they just posted the video of my talk. Enjoy. Or don’t. Whatever.

  9. 03 Nov, 2015

    Beyond Tellerrand 2015 Intro Video

    This title video by Sebastian Lange for Beyond Tellerrand in Berlin is freaking amazing. I’m chocolate.

  10. 14 Oct, 2015

    Responsive Field Day

    It was a great honor to head out to Portland OR to speak at Responsive Field Day, put on by my pals at Cloud Four. The entire event was top-notch from beginning to end. I learned a ton, and I […]

  11. 20 Apr, 2015

    Webdagene 2014 Recap

    I had a fantastic time at Webdagene in Oslo, and this recap video does a great job of capturing the special nature of the event. They even included my little piece of advice, which is nice.

  12. 12 Dec, 2014

    Building Design Systems from Atomic Elements

    The folks at UIE have shared a video of my talk on atomic design at UXIM 2014 in Denver. I’ll be speaking and giving a full-day responsive design workshop at UX Mobile Immersion 2015 in Salt Lake City in 2015. […]

  13. 15 Oct, 2014

    Working with Atomic Design by Berit Hlubek

    Berit Hlubek gave a great presentation (slides here) overviewing atomic design and Pattern Lab.

  14. 18 May, 2014

    Atomic Design at InControl

    Here’s the video of my talk on Atomic Design at InControl Orlando 2014.

  15. 14 Mar, 2014

    Atomic Design Talk at InControl

    I talked about atomic design and Pattern Lab at InControl Conference in Orlando. The video is now up.

  16. 13 Feb, 2014

    Animated video of me talking about Responsive Design

    UIE made a really cool video of me talking about responsive design, and what to do about it. I’m doing a full-day workshop all about atomic design, responsive design workflow, and more.

  17. 15 Oct, 2013

    TEDed “Stage Fright”

    My friend Robertino Zambrano animated an incredible video for TEDed about understanding and overcoming stage fright. A fitting follow-up to my thoughts on speaking. Check it out:

  18. 07 Jun, 2013

    Interview at Smashing Magazine

    I had the pleasure of visiting Smashing Magazine‘s offices last week to give a workshop and also speak at a meetup. They sat me down for an interview before everything got started, and I had a wonderful time talking about […]

  19. 04 Jun, 2013

    Atomic Design

    Here’s the video of my talk at Beyond Tellerrand in Germany, where I introduce Pattern Lab. Lots more info to come, but in the meantime you can also check out the slides.

  20. 19 Apr, 2013

    Brad Frost Live from MMConf

    They handed me a big microphone, so I decided to try my hand at being a fake news reporter. I meant every word I said. MMConf was a fantastic event with dedicated organizers, great speakers and a whole lot of […]

  21. 19 Jan, 2013

    The Power of the Web Is Diamonds

    The fine folks at BDConf made an absolutely epic video starring me…or should I say spliced clips of me from my previous BDConf talks. It’s absolutely hilarious and surprisingly catchy.

  22. 08 Jan, 2013

    Beyond Media Queries at Smashing Conference

    Last September I had the tremendous opportunity to travel the beautiful town of Freiburg, Germany to speak at Smashing Conference. I had an absolute blast speaking and even dropped a pretzel on the ground then ate it. Don’t believe me? […]

  23. 07 Jan, 2013

    BDconf Dallas Videos

    Woohoo, looks like all the videos from BDConf Dallas are up, including my talk comparing Obama responsive site vs Romney’s separate mobile website (slides here). Be sure to check out all the talks.

  24. 15 Apr, 2010

    Pixels by Patrick Jean

    This video is absolutely amazing. Really well-done CG work. The only thing I feel like its lacking is a killer soundtrack to go with it. It would serve really well as a music video for something. via Nia Chung

  25. 12 Feb, 2010

    How to Report the News

    Absolutely hilarious video from Newswipe that nails down how to report the news. I love the bit about the Matrix. Via Mike Gallay.