Posts Tagged ‘mobile’

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  1. 23 May, 2024

    Be gone, vile rectangle!

    One day I’ll fulfill my dream of throwing my phone into the ocean*, but for now I’m settling for throwing my phone in my basement. The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt articulates how the potent combination of smartphones and social […]

  2. 30 May, 2015

    Video: Multi-Device Output, Input, and Posture

    Really handy tips from Luke about multi-device trends and designing for a whole slew of screens.

  3. 27 Oct, 2014

    Floating Action Buttons Considerations

    Luke Wroblewski walked through some critical considerations for designing for large screen smartphones. One major consideration is the reachability of the navigation. He discusses a few considerations and emerging navigation patterns, including the floating action buttons pattern. We used the […]

  4. 14 Apr, 2014

    Single-Field Credit Card Input Pattern

    Forms suck. And they especially suck on mobile devices. Luke Wroblewski has been talking for a long while now about how input masks make form entry a lot less painful for people. He recently highlighted Square Wallet‘s clever single-field credit […]

  5. 25 Feb, 2014

    Responsive Strategy

    Right now around 11 or 12% of the top 100,000 sites are responsive, and no doubt that number is slated to rise over the next few years. As the people in the depraved cat-skinning business say, “there’s more than one […]

  6. 24 Oct, 2013

    Float Label Pattern

    Inline form labels can cause a lot of trouble, but at the same time the constraints of mobile screens force designers to do more with less space. It puts people in a weird position. Let’s take a look at the […]

  7. 16 Sep, 2013

    Page Height, Scrolling and Responsive Web Design

    Think about the times you scroll on your mobile phone. Not necessarily on on the Web, but in general. Here are some common scrolling scenarios: Going Back in Time Going back in time is one of the most common mobile […]

  8. 12 Feb, 2013

    No More Mobile

    When people use the word “mobile” Are they talking about device type, small screens, low bandwidth, device capabilities or people in the park? Great read about how the words we use influence the direction things go.

  9. 10 Nov, 2011

    Fixed Positioning in Mobile Browsers

    Fixed positioned elements (typically headers or footers) are extremely common conventions for native mobile platforms, so naturally fixed elements found their way into mobile browsers. Web designers are used to fixing elements to the window using CSS’s position: fixed, however, […]

  10. 21 Sep, 2011

    Future Friendly

    It is time to move towards a friendlier future. We live in a world that’s exploding with technological innovation and the rapid pace of change is only accelerating. We’re at the forefront of a new revolution in which we are […]