Posts Tagged ‘frostapalooza’

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  1. 01 Sep, 2024

    On The Ground At Frostapalooza | CSS-Tricks

    Here’s a great recap of Frostapalooza over on CSS Tricks by Ryan Trimble. CSS Tricks for me always was the Rolling Stone magazine of web design, so it’s great to get a concert review in Rolling Stone :).

  2. 26 Aug, 2024

    Frostapalooza – Chris Coyier

    One of the best things about roping a bunch of prolific web bloggers into my show is that I get to read their take afterwards. Here’s Chris’s recap of Frostapalooza, written as only Chris could. The way Brad envisioned it, […]

  3. 21 Aug, 2024

    Frostapalooza in photos and videos

    After over a year of planning, Frostapalooza finally took place on Saturday night at Mr. Smalls Theatre in Pittsburgh. It’s going to take me a really long time to process what transpired and to find the words to properly describe […]

  4. 21 Aug, 2024

    Adactio: Journal—Frostapalooza

    Just over here sobbing while reading Jeremy’s recount of Frostapalooza. In fact, the tentative plans we had to travel to the States in April of 2024 for the total solar eclipse ended up getting scrapped in favour of Brad’s shindig. […]

  5. 07 Aug, 2024

    Frostapalooza Codepen Challenge!

    TL;DR: You can submit your Codepen animations to be considered for display at Frostapalooza! Holy smokes, Frostapalooza is happening next Saturday! We’re about to find out what happens when you give 40 musicians a whole year to plan one night […]

  6. 30 Jul, 2024

    40 Thoughts At 40

    Well, holy shit, I’m 40! How do I feel, you ask? Great! Better than great. Fantastic even. Life’s a wild ride; I’ve had many many many utterly amazing experiences as well as some really truly capital-S Shitty experiences. After it’s […]

  7. 24 Jul, 2024

    “Interviewing Users” book giveaway, upcoming AMAs, free Frostapalooza 🎸 tix, and more…

    This is so great!: The Design Better Podcast is doing a Frostapalooza ticket giveaway! You may have been a part of our recent AMA with Brad Frost, where we learned that he’s hosting a benefit concert this summer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania […]

  8. 17 Jul, 2024

    40 Reasons to come to Frostapalooza

    HOLY SHIT! Frostapalooza is happening in exactly one month! I’d really, really, really, truly love for you to come to this one-of-a-kind, one-night-only concert fandango happening on August 17th in Pittsburgh. Here’s 40 reasons why you should come: Sounds pretty […]

  9. 01 Jul, 2024

    Design Downtime – Brad Frost Loves to Play Music

    🎸 I had a fantastic conversation with Guy Segal on the Design Downtime podcast about my love of playing music. We talked about: My musical background The beauty and role of the bass guitar The importance of having hobbies for […]

  10. 06 Feb, 2024

    Come to Frostapalooza!

    Woohoo! I am so incredibly excited to announce that Frostapalooza is now live! The show is on August 17th at Mr. Smalls Theatre in Pittsburgh, PA, and you can see the event on Mr. Smalls’ website and get tickets at […]

  11. 06 Feb, 2024

    601: Brad Frost on A Global Design System + Frostapalooza – ShopTalk

    Hooo boy, this is great! I had a fantastic time on the ShopTalk Show talking about the need for a Global Design System. It was a great conversation with two people that I feel fundamentally get it; so it was […]

  12. 11 Oct, 2023

    Finding a way to make it happen

    I’ve discovered — or rather rediscovered — that playing music is one of the biggest sources of joy and fulfillment in my life. I play music — usually by myself — every day, but it’s the connection with other musicians […]

  13. 17 Aug, 2023


    I’m elated to announce that on August 17th, 2024 — exactly one year from now — I’m throwing a big-ass charity concert/party/happening in Pittsburgh, PA featuring an array of my talented musical collaborators, friends, and family. I’d love for you […]