Posts Tagged ‘design tokens’

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  1. 04 Jun, 2024

    A rare use case for em units

    text-decoration-offset is a good use case for em units. Most of the time we favor rems over ems, but in this case we want the text underline offset to proportionally scale with the `font-size` property. Here’s a quick demo: See […]

  2. 07 May, 2024

    Transparent borders

    You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none by Dave is a great reminder to not remove borders from components for accessibility reasons, especially to better support high contrast mode. border-color: transparent comes in handy for other use cases as well. […]

  3. 10 Apr, 2024

    The Value of Design Tokens in Modern Web Development | Southleft, LLC

    Here’s my pal and frequent collaborator TJ Pitre with The Value of Design Tokens in Modern Web Development. TJ’s post is a good overview of design tokens and the various aspects of working with them in a web development workflow.

  4. 21 Sep, 2023

    The Design System Ecosystem

    What does a mature, end-to-end design system look like in a big, complex organization? What are all the moving pieces, and how do they hang together as a well-considered architecture? What’s required and what’s optional? Hold onto your butts, because […]

  5. 14 Feb, 2022

    The Practical Guide to Naming Design Tokens | UX Collective

    This is a pretty great guide to naming design tokens and follows pretty closely how we structure our tokens.

  6. 12 Feb, 2021

    Building better products with a design token pipeline

    This is a good deep dive into setting up design token architecture. It largely maps to how we tend to structure things, with some slight language and architectural differences: They use “Option design tokens”; we call them “Tier 1” or […]

  7. 31 Jan, 2021

    The context dilemma: design tokens and components

    Source: The context dilemma: design tokens and components | Frontside

  8. 09 Mar, 2020

    Sass !default and themeable design systems

    I’m working on a couple themeable design systems right now, and we’re architecting components to offer a white list of themeable CSS properties, so each brand can define their design language using design tokens and then pipe those through into […]