Last chance for Subatomic design tokens course early-bird pricing!

We’re cooking with gas on our Subatomic design tokens course and are gearing up for a really big milestone! We’re about to launch Chapter 4, which details the nuts and bolts of building out a token system in Figma and code. Along with dozens of videos detailing the process, we’re also releasing a sample design token architecture in Figma and in code to give you a massive head start on your design token journey.

"Preorder to receive enterprise-proven token architecture"

This isn’t just a rinky-dink collection of variables: this architecture is a distillation of nearly a decade of hard work building enterprise-grade design systems with organizations like Caterpillar, Nasdaq, Cigna, Pfizer, DotDash Meredith, Condé Nast, and more. We’ve split all the hairs, sweat all the details, and have painstakingly iterated over these conventions for YEARS.

We want to give you the cheat code so you can skip to the fun part where you’re actually putting your rock-solid design token architecture to good use. We guarantee this will save your organization thousands of dollars and a hell of a lot of agony. We don’t throw strong words like “guarantee” around lightly, but we’re saying it here because we’ve seen it time and time again with the dozens of design system teams we’ve worked with. These sturdy foundations free teams up to focus on the important work of bringing their organization’s design languages to life in real digital products.

We’re making this architecture available next week and we’ll be hosting a demo and Q&A session exclusive to people who preordered the course next Thursday at noon ET.

Preorder price: $650 price strikethrough with $750 above it

We’re increasing the price of the course by $100 next Thursday when we launch Chapter 4 and the design token architectureSo now’s the time to preorder! By preordering our course, you’ll get:

  • 25% off the full price of the course (vs 15% off after next week)
  • 6 hours of video content and growing
  • Design token architecture in Figma and code (coming next week!)
  • Dozens of links and resources
  • Architecture and naming diagrams
  • A growing community of design tokens enthusiasts in Slack
  • Our eternal gratitude

We also offer further discounts available to designer/developer pairs and team/enterprise discounts.

If you or your boss need to be convinced, we continue to get great feedback and enthusiasm from our preorder users:

It’s been amazing to watch your preview content and know that you’ll be addressing the code implementation side of tokens. There are plenty of resources out there talking about the basic concepts of design tokens, which I get, but having the words like code package managers, package import to target applications, npm, yarn, etc are the real important stuff to get the tokens working. I love how you’re empowering designers like myself to be on the same playing field with the engineers so we can collaborate.Angie Badillo

From the very first finished chapter, I was hooked. The way you break down the history, the roles, and the perspectives of both designers and developers—it’s like finally getting a nutrient-packed meal after years of snacking on half-baked Design Systems content. Most other courses I’ve taken either cater exclusively to designers or feel like they’re built for the 1% of Design System royalty—neither of which is particularly useful when you’re just trying to build something solid.Paul Papagiannis

The depth and effort you seem to have put into this course are impressive. I’m not sure anyone else has taken such a deep dive into this topic yet.Edgar Lechaudel

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Have questions about our course? Wanna share what your team is struggling with? Reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to respond.