Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth

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  1. 20 Jul, 2019

    Choosing tools

    There was a fun tweet circulating around yesterday: You’re working on a frontend project. You can install max. 5 dependencies. Which ones do you pick? — Kitze (@thekitze) July 19, 2019 Naturally, everyone weighed in with their tools of choice, […]

  2. 20 Jul, 2019

    Living ecologically | Simon Collison

    I love this post by Simon. He’s rounded up a ton of great steps his family has taken to be more ecologically mindful. I’m not as far down the road as he is, but am striving to do better. There […]

  3. 20 Jul, 2019

    Yep, JavaScript Moves Fast. Build Your Component Library Anyway.

    This post touches on something really important: “What if we create a component library in React/Vue/Angular/whatever and a new component technology replaces it?” That’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when. I play out this scenario with […]

  4. 17 Jul, 2019

    Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide

    Frontend designers create the HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code that powers web products’ user interfaces. I see frontend design as helpful mortar that bridges the gap between design and development. Of course “frontend designer” may or may not be […]

  5. 10 Jul, 2019

    Extending Atomic Design

    Atomic design is now over 6 years old (which is nuts!). I’m thrilled that all these years later the methodology continues to help teams think of their user interfaces as a hierarchical, interconnected set of components that build real product […]

  6. 09 Jul, 2019

    Seeing the Pages For the Components | adjacent

    Fantastic post by Dan Rose about the importance of flow and cohesion for effective web design. In this component-driven world flow and cohesion often take a backseat to modularity. I was fortunate enough to watch Dan at Smashing Conf demonstrate […]

  7. 09 Jul, 2019

    Tracking Polaris – Shopify UX

    This is a great read about how the Shopify team designed and grew their design system over the last two years. Note the focus on culture building, communication, and curation. Great stuff! Read: Tracking Polaris – Shopify UX

  8. 02 Jul, 2019

    Your Undivided Attention Podcast

    Just devoured the Your Undivided Attention podcast by The Center for Humane Technology. Incredibly smart conversations about important topics in technology. Highly recommend checking it out.

  9. 02 Jul, 2019

    Why Did I Have Difficulty Learning React?

    I’m glad I’m not the only one. A longtime hero of mine in this field, Jonathan Snook, shares his struggles  learning React. He highlights a few reasons why he struggled to get his head around it: For me, I think […]

  10. 29 Jun, 2019

    Learning Synths

    Super fun little thing that teaches you the basic vocabulary of synthesizers (and sound in general). Learning Synths

  11. 21 Jun, 2019

    Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout

    If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS. […]

  12. 18 Jun, 2019

    The Technical Side of Design Systems at CSS Day in Amsterdam

    I had a fantastic time traveling to Amsterdam to speak at CSS Day (I was part of the + UI Special day). It was an absolutely phenomenal event and I learned a ton from all the amazing speakers. In my […]

  13. 14 Jun, 2019

    Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score

    This post flips the topic of accessibility best practices on its head and demonstrates how to exclude everyone, even while still scoring perfectly on accessibility tools. The moral of the story: automated accessibility tools can help but shouldn’t be the […]

  14. 11 Jun, 2019

    Rethinking designer-developer collaboration

    My design partner in crime Dan Mall and I were interviewed on the Design Better podcast about breaking down barriers between designers and developers. Give ‘er a listen here.

  15. 28 May, 2019

    Reducing motion with the picture element

    I was just talking with Dave about the accessibility of moving images on the web, and he said: hm… I wonder if you could use picture + prefers-reduced-motion? He then sends the following code: <picture> <source srcset=”no-motion.jpg” media=”(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)”></source> <img […]

  16. 13 May, 2019

    Brad Frost Web Headquarters

    Well, it happened. A new headquarters for Brad Frost Web LLC is now in my backyard. Why? I’ve been in my house for almost 5 years and have always used one of the guest bedrooms as an office. But now […]

  17. 26 Apr, 2019

    Let’s Make A Design System! Live Coding at Smashing Conf

    I had a great time at Smashing Conf San Francisco, where my session involved live-coding a design system on stage. It was the first time I’ve ever live-coded on stage before and was terribly nervous about the whole thing. Thankfully, […]

  18. 12 Apr, 2019


    I think this post and The Great Divide are two of the most important reads about the state of frontend web development right now.

  19. 11 Apr, 2019


    A site showing how many people on US government websites right now, as well as loads of other data. So cool.

  20. 11 Apr, 2019

    Some Unsolicited Blogging Advice

    Some great advice from Dave about blogging. If you have any idea at all, start a draft. 100% yes. I currently have 141 drafts sitting here in WordPress, and have a bunch more in my head that I want to […]