Shop Talk Show

Shop Talk Show Podcast
I had a great time talking with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert on their web design podcast Shop Talk Show.

There was some great discussion about responsive design, including:

  • This Is Responsive – what this project is attempting to do
  • Large screen responsive design – how to handle larger screens like cinema displays, TVs and more.
  • Responsive layouts vs adaptive layouts – we talk about the pros and cons of serving several fixed widths layouts across screens
  • Dealing with grids for mobile-first design – we talk about the challenges of incorporating grids and layout when starting with far more linear mobile layouts
  • Which units to use for breakpoints and type – I talk about the importance of using relative units for media queries and we talk about the pros and cons of using ems and rems
  • What are some great web/mobile conferences to attend? – We talk about the upcoming In Control Conference and Breaking Development Conference and how awesome they are/are going to be.
  • How to deliver ‘Opt Out Responsive Design?‘ experiences – we talk about why the use case is legit and some of the considerations for including a “view full site” link for responsive designs
  • Conditional Loading – I got to talk about one of what I feel is one of the most important aspects of responsive design.

Chris and Dave are loads of fun and I had a blast chatting with them. If you have some free time, you should listen to the episode. Better yet, you should subscribe to hear all sorts of great episodes.


  1. derek thomas wood

    I just listened to the show for the second time after reading your overview of the show. It was one of my favorite episodes so far. I get worried about my approach sometimes, but listening to your point of view made me feel confident that I am paying attention to the right things. Thanks !

  2. Sick. I’m downloading this now. Gotta love some good RWD chats.

  3. bob saget

    Hey i’m bob saget.

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