Meanwhile, on the Internet...

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  1. 27 Nov, 2013

    Ladies In Tech Podcast

    I had a blast talking with some of my favorite people, Jenn Lukas and Val Head, about public speaking and gender issues in our industry.

  2. 27 Nov, 2013

    “Work hard. Don’t be an a**hole. Share what you know.”

    I had a blast talking on the Pencil Vs Pixel podcast about all sorts of stuff: my path, advice on web design, speaking, and sharing what you know.

  3. 17 Nov, 2013

    Nitch Podcast: Pink With a Hint of Orange

    In this episode of the Nitch podcast, Kelli Shaver and Jonathan Stark talk about Pattern Lab. Jonathan and I worked on Entertainment Weekly and TechCrunch together, so he was able to share his perspective on Pattern Lab and how we […]

  4. 05 Nov, 2013

    Brad Frost Knows About Adult Diaper Road Trips

    Yeah, this is one of the craziest podcasts I’ve been on.

  5. 25 Oct, 2013

    Heinz Foundation: Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

    The Heinz Foundation covered our open redesign of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.

  6. 25 Oct, 2013

    How the Float Label Pattern Started

    Matt D Smith wrote about the history and the thinking behind the float label pattern.

  7. 22 Oct, 2013

    Atomic Design

    Luke Wroblewski wrote up some notes about my atomic design talk at Breaking Development Conference.

  8. 17 Oct, 2013

    The Bitchcast Podcast

    I had a great time talking to Stacey Mulcahy on her awesomely-named podcast. We talked about the design process, designing in the open, death to bullshit, and a whole lot more. Check it out!

  9. 17 Oct, 2013

    TechCrunch Has Redesigned, Again

    I helped build the new TechCrunch site, along with a fantastic group of people: Josh Clark, Jennifer Brook, Dan Mall, Jonathan Stark. and markup/CSS help from Pon Kattera. I’ll be writing a lot more about the process and the redesign […]

  10. 15 Oct, 2013

    TEDed “Stage Fright”

    My friend Robertino Zambrano animated an incredible video for TEDed about understanding and overcoming stage fright. A fitting follow-up to my thoughts on speaking. Check it out:

  11. 07 Oct, 2013

    Talking Design Process on Unfinished Business

    I had a blast talking with Andy Clarke about the modern Web design process on the Unfinished Business podcast. Andy’s been talking about moving the Web design process forward for years now, and so I had a great time talking […]

  12. 06 Oct, 2013

    Bento Box

    Where to go to learn how to code, neatly organized. Wonderful work by @jonhmchan.

  13. 05 Oct, 2013

    Mobile Navigation and Patterns on the Web Payload Podcast

    I had a blast talking about responsive navigation patterns with John Macpherson on the brand new Web Payload podcast.

  14. 24 Sep, 2013

    Pittsburgh Food Bank Open Redesign

    So Melissa wrote some thoughts about designing in the open, overcoming a designer’s fear of putting all work, warts and all, out in the open. She also talks about the GPCFB’s goals for the projects.

  15. 24 Sep, 2013

    Planning for Content Beyond the Web

    Here’s Dave Olsen with a fantastic read about thinking about and creating future friendly content. The problem is that, even when using responsive design, the content on our websites isn’t really able “to go everywhere.” Responsive web design only affects […]

  16. 23 Sep, 2013

    HTML Project Timelines on Convergence

    This is great: a company who creates a closed-source CMS project looking for ways to share more. Bistro Studios created a nice little web app for a project timeline based on my project timeline template.

  17. 12 Sep, 2013

    Smashing Conf Lonely Hearts Club Band

    So these past few days/weeks have been pretty bizarre. Probably one of the most bizarre things that happened was playing Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band at a web conference with Nishant, Dan and Dan at Smashing Conference in Germany. […]

  18. 09 Sep, 2013

    Smashing Conf: Responsive Web Design is Easy/Hard

    Dan Mall just gave a phenomenal talk about responsive web design process. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Dan on a few projects this year and he really knows how to communicate this new design process to clients and […]

  19. 09 Sep, 2013

    Smashing Conf: Deliberate Performance

    Tim Kadlec just gave an amazing talk about building performance into the design process. As always, Luke Wroblewski took some fantastic notes. I highly recommend checking them out because Tim’s speaking a lot of sense.

  20. 07 Sep, 2013

    ‘No, You Suck!’ and Other Poignant Progressive Enhancement Arguments

    Here’s an article in response to my “Fuck You.” post. I’m really happy it ruffled someone’s feathers enough to write about it. The post contains some good arguments, mostly revolving around how “supporting” every single browser out there makes bad […]