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  1. 09 Jan, 2017

    Ask Me Anything on Hashnode

    I’m doing an Ask Me Anything on Hashnode tomorrow, so like the name implies you can ask me about anything you want. Could be about web stuff, music, personal stuff, whatever. I will answer it. I can’t make any promises […]

  2. 09 Jan, 2017

    Frost Bytes

    The fine folks at An Event Apart interviewed me about my design career, Atomic Design, and what I’m talking about at An Event Apart this year. Here’s a taste: I’ve been fascinated with how teams work together (or don’t work together!). […]

  3. 02 Jan, 2017

    Resilient Web Design

    Also on this year’s reading list is a new book from the always-thoughtful Jeremy Keith. I’ve had the good fortune of hearing Jeremy speak about the web for several years now, and he always leaves me feeling incredibly inspired. I have […]

  4. 02 Jan, 2017

    Front End Style Guides

    Anna has updated her book on front end style guides! The first edition was amazing, and since then we’ve had a chance to collect a lot of resources on and interview people on the Style Guides Podcast. It sounds like she was […]

  5. 17 Dec, 2016

    Giant Paradigm Shifts and Other Delights With Brad Frost

    I had a fantastic time talking with Jeffrey Zeldman on The Big Web Show podcast. It was always a dream of mine to appear on the podcast as Jeffrey has been a hero of mine for my entire career. In […]

  6. 07 Nov, 2016

    ‘Thought Leader’

    This is phenomenal. via Adactio.

  7. 07 Nov, 2016

    Thunder Nerds 46 – Music, Atomic Design & Sharing Your Knowledge with Brad Frost

    I had the opportunity to chat atomic design and a bunch of other stuff on the Thunder Nerds podcast. Check it out!

  8. 30 Aug, 2016

    Clarity Conf Video Online

    I kicked off the amazing Clarity Conf, a conference dedicated to style guides and design systems, earlier this year and they just posted the video of my talk. Enjoy. Or don’t. Whatever.

  9. 30 Aug, 2016

    Shoptalk Episode 231: Book Writing Panel

    I had the great opportunity to chat with Chris, Dave, Val, Simon, and Richard about what goes into writing a book. It was fun to hear some the other authors all talk through the same challenges I’ve had (like competing with […]

  10. 26 Apr, 2016

    Design Edu Today Podcast

    I had a great time chatting with Gary Rozanc about working remotely, atomic design, and a whole lot more.

  11. 14 Mar, 2016


    Trump.css — Brad Frost (@brad_frost) March 14, 2016

  12. 02 Mar, 2016

    AMA on Designer News

    I’m doing an Ask Me Anything session on Designer News. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, especially around atomic design, the role of frontend design in the design process, responsive design, bullshit, music, art, and whatever else. […]

  13. 25 Jan, 2016

    Experts Weigh In: What Is The Most Common Web Design Mistake You See?

    Adobe asked me to weigh in on the most common web design mistake I see. The answer in a word: bullshit. But of course I elaborated a bit. I think the most common web design mistake I see is sites […]

  14. 08 Jan, 2016

    10 Web design trends you can expect to see in 2016

    I was happy to see The Next Web include modular design as an important trend in modern web design, and of course was happy to see they think atomic design is a good resource for it.

  15. 04 Jan, 2016


    In 2003, my friend Kai Degner had an amazing (and amazingly simple) idea for promoting and encouraging civil discourse. It’s called Orangeband. It involves wearing or displaying a strip of orange fabric that serves as an invitation for respectful conversation about the […]

  16. 04 Jan, 2016

    Content and Display Patterns

    Dan Mall posted an absolutely epic article that encapsulates a lot of the pattern-based concepts the community has been advancing for the last few years. I highly recommend reading it in its entirety. Here are some key highlights I took away […]

  17. 13 Dec, 2015

    Brian Muenzenmeyer on MS Dev Show

    Brian Muenzenmeyer (@bmuenzenmeyer) appeared on the MS Dev Show to talk about Pattern Lab Node and his involvement with the project. He does a great job explaining atomic design, defining the Pattern Lab project, and explaining its benefits to the hosts. […]

  18. 12 Dec, 2015

    Pattern Lab Node 1.0.0 Released

    Brian Muenzenmeyer (@bmuenzenmeyer) has done a fantastic job of bringing Pattern Lab Node to life, and it’s now officially in 1.0 status. Brian wrote about what’s changed, and I’m exciting to see things moving forward! Speaking of moving forward, Dave Olsen is working […]

  19. 30 Nov, 2015

    Making sense of atomic design: molecules and organisms

    In her post, Alla Kholmatova discusses how her team has determined what’s a molecule and what’s an organism in their atomic design system. It’s a thoughtful post that discusses some of the challenges around determining whether to define a component as […]

  20. 03 Nov, 2015

    Beyond Tellerrand 2015 Intro Video

    This title video by Sebastian Lange for Beyond Tellerrand in Berlin is freaking amazing. I’m chocolate.