Posts Tagged ‘ux’

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  1. 04 Jun, 2024

    Sentient Design: AI and the Next Chapter of UX – Big Medium

    This is an absolute must-read/watch for any designer or design leader navigating this wild new AI world. Josh Clark is second to none at demystifying this new crop of technologies, demonstrating how to wield AI as a design material, and […]

  2. 26 Jun, 2023

    User Inyerface – A worst-practice UI experiment

    User Inyerface – A worst-practice UI experiment is “a challenging exploration of user interactions and design patterns.” Hilariously bad UX and a lot of fun.

  3. 24 Feb, 2021

    Material Design Text Fields Are Badly Designed

    saving space at the cost of clarity, ease of use and accessibility is a bad tradeoff to make. Source: Material Design Text Fields Are Badly Designed — Smashing Magazine

  4. 31 May, 2020

    Nice, Very Nice

    Nice, Very Nice is a collection of UX/UI patterns for your inspiration.

  5. 14 Feb, 2019

    Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms

    As time goes on I find myself increasingly annoyed with login forms. As password managers like 1Password (which is what I use) and Chrome’s password manager (which I also sorta use) become more popular, it’s important for websites to be aware […]

  6. 12 Feb, 2019

    The ineffectiveness of lonely icons

    After more than a year of using her tablet to read Email, my mother had no idea the Gmail application can be used to write an email. Why? Because after more than 12 months of using an application, she still […]

  7. 03 Dec, 2018

    A Tribute to My Family’s Penis Faucet

    The house I was born and raised in has a single bathroom with no lock on the door. It also contains a faucet that looks like a penis. I’ve been fortunate to travel the world, stay in all manner of hotels, […]

  8. 16 Apr, 2018

    Scroll to the Future

    Everything you always wanted to know about implementing scrolling but were afraid to ask. We have scrolled to the bottom of modern web specifications to take you on a whirlwind tour of latest CSS and JavaScript features that make navigating around a single page smooth, beautiful and less resource-hungry. This is a […]

  9. 19 Mar, 2017

    No Share Buttons on Mobile Sites (Except This One Weird Case)

    Josh wrote about social buttons, and I agree. I always had a hunch that social buttons weren’t super effective, and when asked for my opinion, I’d say that I thought they’re crufty, probably don’t get interacted with all that much, and don’t […]

  10. 23 Apr, 2014


    I’ve recently been for more efficient ways for user inputs, especially around credit card input. In exploring using input mask solutions, a lot of people have weighed in on several important limitations/frustrations: Accessibilty–One of the biggest concerns with input masks […]

  11. 14 Apr, 2014

    Single-Field Credit Card Input Pattern

    Forms suck. And they especially suck on mobile devices. Luke Wroblewski has been talking for a long while now about how input masks make form entry a lot less painful for people. He recently highlighted Square Wallet‘s clever single-field credit […]

  12. 16 Sep, 2013

    Page Height, Scrolling and Responsive Web Design

    Think about the times you scroll on your mobile phone. Not necessarily on on the Web, but in general. Here are some common scrolling scenarios: Going Back in Time Going back in time is one of the most common mobile […]

  13. 28 Mar, 2013

    Are homepage carousels effective? (AKA the Brad Frost Carousel Challenge)

    The University of York took the Brad Frost Carousel Challenge and released data about their homepage carousel interactions. They saw a large drop-off after the first panel, and discovered that removing panels actually increased engagement with the carousel area. They […]

  14. 07 Mar, 2013

    Carousel Conversion Rate Eye Tracking

    The post is in Swedish, but run it through Google Translate. Basically they did an A/B test between a carousel feature area and a non-carousel feature area. The carousel version only got a 1.96% interaction rate, while the non-carousel version […]

  15. 24 Feb, 2012

    Responsive Navigation Patterns

    Update: I’ve also written about complex navigation patterns for responsive design. Top and left navigations are typical on large screens, but lack of screen real estate on small screens makes for an interesting challenge. As responsive design becomes more popular, […]

  16. 03 Jan, 2012

    A tel Tale Sign

    In this responsive age, it’s worth pointing out that mobile phones can make things called “telephone calls.” Once upon a time, in an era before web forms and e-mail, the best way to make a dinner reservation, place an order, […]