Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

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  1. 24 Jan, 2025

    Pojman Pocket Protector Collection

    Pojman Pocket Protector Collection…1,719 and growing! This is an incredibly gallery of pocket protectors. Design inspiration galore! Via my pal Aaron Draplin

  2. 05 Jan, 2025

    Frostapalooza: one epic night

    Frostapalooza was a one-of-a-kind concert and an unabashed celebration of love, joy, fun, music, creativity, and positivity. It was an excuse to celebrate our talents and collective human potential. It was a reminder to myself, my friends, my family, and […]

  3. 28 Dec, 2023

    Footer — The only footer gallery on earth.

    Footer — The only footer gallery on earth. This gives me all the web design gallery nostalgic feels.

  4. 05 Sep, 2023

    Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational

    Absolutely honored to have atomic design included in this roundup of Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational posts.

  5. 17 Aug, 2023


    I’m elated to announce that on August 17th, 2024 — exactly one year from now — I’m throwing a big-ass charity concert/party/happening in Pittsburgh, PA featuring an array of my talented musical collaborators, friends, and family. I’d love for you […]

  6. 30 May, 2023

    Mini Moog Factory

    Mini Moog Factory is a really fun piece of web design. The aesthetic reminds me of Habbo Hotel from way back in the day.

  7. 09 May, 2023

    India Street Lettering

    If you stole my phone (please don’t) and saw all of my photos, I’m constantly capturing photos of beautiful/funny/interesting/decrepit signs. It’s one of my favorite things to do when traveling. So naturally I love this site India Street Lettering.

  8. 23 Feb, 2023

    Amateur – Lasse Gjertsen

    For whatever reason, this video just crashed into my memory like a meteorite. I remember likely landing on this video via Stumble Upon (!!!), and I remember showing it to everyone. It was incredibly influential for me as it combined […]

  9. 11 May, 2022

    Henry Heffernan – Portfolio 2022

    Henry Heffernan’s portfolio website is fantastic. I’d love to see a rebirth of creative personal portfolio websites.

  10. 05 Jul, 2021

    Conan O’Brien on His Late-Night Legacy and Future

    I love making stuff. I’m always going to want to make stuff. Long after anyone wants to see my stuff, I’ll want to make stuff. Source: Conan O’Brien on His Late-Night Legacy and Future

  11. 31 May, 2020

    Nice, Very Nice

    Nice, Very Nice is a collection of UX/UI patterns for your inspiration.

  12. 19 Nov, 2019

    Back in 1900, activist W. E. B. Du Bois was using infographics to challenge white supremacy

    These infographics are beautiful and profound. Source: Back in 1900, activist W. E. B. Du Bois was using infographics to challenge white supremacy | It’s Nice That

  13. 19 Oct, 2019

    Hello. We’re Sandwich.

    My buddy Andrew’s space agency Cosma Schema produced some phenomenal non-space branding and web work for Sandwich. Absolutely love the color-changing underlines on scroll.

  14. 31 Mar, 2019

    CVS Receipt Codepen

    This extra-long CVS receipt Codepen makes me incredibly happy since my high school job was working at CVS.

  15. 10 Oct, 2017

    A Lifetime of Nerdery

    I love this post/talk by Chris. His upbringing mirrors mine quite a bit even if things are time-shifted a bit. The things that really resonated with me: Encouragement by people in your life Collaboration over competition Playing music having a […]

  16. 13 Jun, 2017

    Oil City High School 2017 Commencement Speech

    I had the (very surreal, very strange) honor of traveling to my hometown of Oil City, Pennsylvania to give the commencement speech at Oil City Senior High School, the school I graduated from in 2003. This was a very different […]

  17. 24 Apr, 2017

    Back to the Cave

    I love it when Frank transcribes his talks into posts. This is a great one because he talks about creativity, drive, community, and more. There’s a lot here, so do yourself a favor and check it out. if I go […]

  18. 08 Apr, 2017

    The bored designer’s reading list

    Cennydd put together a great reading list for designers. I’m currently reading Donella Meadows’s fantastic Thinking in Systems: A Primer, but a lot of these other books probably should be on my radar. After all, Cennydd is intimidatingly smart.

  19. 22 Mar, 2017


    Norwegian skateboarders on frozen sand. Beautiful and surreal.

  20. 13 Mar, 2017

    Abstract: The Art of Design

    PSA: this series on Netflix is really good. Each episode highlights a designer in a particular field (illustration, architecture, set design, etc). The subject talks about their work, their process, and their journey, and the whole thing is incredibly well produced. I […]

  21. 28 Feb, 2017


    A fantastic and comprehensive roundup of logos from around the world. It looks like lot of work went into this!

  22. 20 Aug, 2015

    Eating Chicken

    There’s only one way to eat chicken: pick the damn thing up and eat it. Grandpa Frost

  23. 29 Dec, 2014

    Leading Designers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

    Make shit happen. Make shit happen. Make shit happen. Make shit happen. Make shit happen.

  24. 01 Dec, 2014

    Wake Up Excited

    Wake up excited is the theme for my final post for the Pastry Box Project. This is as close to poetry as I’ll ever get.

  25. 03 Mar, 2013

    Homage Responsive Site

    I didn’t know Homage, one of my favorite t-shirt websites, went responsive. Throw another e-commerce example on the pile.

  26. 13 Jan, 2013

    29 new inspiring responsive designs on the web

    Was surprised and happy to see This Is Responsive featured on The Next Web’s gallery of responsive sites.

  27. 10 Jan, 2013

    10 brilliant examples of responsive design in ecommerce

    One common question I get on a regular basis is “what are good examples of responsive design and e-commerce?” This post is a good round-up of some great responsive e-commerce sites.

  28. 28 Oct, 2009

    Kuroshio Sea

    Kuroshio Sea – 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world – (song is Please don’t go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo. Amazing to watch. View with HD on and in full screen for the proper effect.