Posts Tagged ‘indieweb’
10 Feb, 2025
Naz Hamid • Less Precious
If you care about your creativity, and what you make and bring into the world, I’d suggest having your own website. A place you can shape and change as often, or as little as you like. That is something worth […]
12 Nov, 2024
An app can be a home-cooked meal
I am the programming equivalent of a home cook. The exhortation “learn to code” has its foundations in market value. “Learn to code” is suggested as a way up, a way out. “Learn to code” offers economic leverage, professional transformation. “Learn to […]
08 Dec, 2022
A year of new avenues
A year of new avenues is a great, inspiring read. I want to insist on an amateur internet; a garage internet; a public library internet; a kitchen table internet. At last, in 2023, I want to tell the tech CEOs and venture […]
26 Jan, 2022
Make Free Stuff | Max Böck
This is a powerful and important read from Max Böck: He rightfully assesses the state of the landscape in its present form: This is the web as envisioned by late-stage capitalism: a giant freemium game where absolutely everyone and everything […]
20 Oct, 2019
A love letter to my website
In contrast to our personal websites, we don’t own our social platforms. They own us. On top of eating our time, our emotions and our focus, they are demanding our privacy. Whether we realized it or not, we signed away […]
28 Feb, 2019
Write on your own website
The single best thing I ever did for my career was start a blog on my own website. — Brad Frost (@brad_frost) January 18, 2019 I’ll share two stories. I was speaking at a conference and after my talk I […]
19 Aug, 2018
Taking back the web
As always, here’s a great talk by Jeremy. I’ve been meaning to add a lot of indie web features to my site, and his talk might just be the kick in the butt to make that happen.
25 Mar, 2018
The Missing Building Blocks of the Web
I love this post from Anil Dash, especially the bits about people having their own websites. There are no technical barriers for why we couldn’t share our photos to our own sites instead of to Instagram, or why we couldn’t […]
27 Mar, 2017
Writing on the web
I’m in the process of redoing this site with the intention of ramping up what I share and how often I share things. Jeremy is of course a huge inspiration for me, so his post is serving as a fire under […]
21 Oct, 2014
I’ve really wanted to explore the Indie Web movement a lot more. Philosophically the whole thing really resonates with me, but initial cursory glances left me wondering where to start. looks like a great checklist/starting point.