Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth
29 Aug, 2018
Thinking About React, Atomically
React, at its core, follows Atomic Design inherently by encouraging developers to keep components as simple and as broken down as possible. From this simplicity, we can create more complex components and containers of components to create the user interfaces […]
27 Aug, 2018
Hey GOV.UK, what are you doing about voice?
With half of all search queries predicted to be spoken by 2020, here’s more detail on the work we’ve been doing to meet the emerging needs of voice assistant users and make government more accessible. Source: Hey GOV.UK, what are […]
27 Aug, 2018
The presence prison – Signal v. Noise
As a general rule, nobody at Basecamp really knows where anyone else is at any given moment. Are they working? Dunno. Are they taking a break? Dunno. Are they at lunch? Dunno. Are they picking up their kid from school? […]
24 Aug, 2018
Designer+Developer Workflow: Head-Down Work
Following up on the video Dan and I recorded that shows how we collaborate as designer and developer, I recorded a video of me doing a bit of head-down development work. Dan and I mention in our first video that […]
19 Aug, 2018
Taking back the web
As always, here’s a great talk by Jeremy. I’ve been meaning to add a lot of indie web features to my site, and his talk might just be the kick in the butt to make that happen.
19 Aug, 2018
An inversion of nature: how air conditioning created the modern city
Fascinating read about how air conditioning shaped much of society. Source: An inversion of nature: how air conditioning created the modern city
15 Aug, 2018
Frontend Performance Checklist
This looks like a handy performance checklist for a web project.
14 Aug, 2018
CSS Scan
Inspect Element on steroids: study how things are made on the web in real-time and copy computed styles with no hassle (neither longhand styles) This was an easy buy.
10 Aug, 2018
Designer + Developer Workflow
I’ve had the extreme privilege of collaborating on a bunch of projects with my friend Dan Mall (@danmall) over the last five and a half years. Dan is a designer. I’m a developer. And together, we’ve been refining our process to […]
06 Aug, 2018
3 Years of Ian
Yesterday marked Ian‘s 3-year anniversary working with me. I’m 5 and a half years into running my own business, so that means that my brother has been with me on this journey more than I’ve been going it alone. It’s […]
17 Jul, 2018
Yes, Alan, There Is An ROI For UX Design
The obvious place designers go when trying to calculate the bottom line is to ask the question, If I change the design, how much more income could we generate? But there’s another way design can help: reducing the costs. A much-overlooked portion of […]
16 Jul, 2018
CSS: A New Kind Of JavaScript
Love how Heydon flips this all on its head.
09 Jul, 2018
Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab Online Course
I’m excited to share an online course called Working With Atomic Design and Pattern Lab for Gymnasium. Here’s what the course covers: This course will teach students the atomic design methodology, setting up Pattern Lab, building & using UI components […]
08 Jul, 2018
Disposable America
Here’s a fascinating read about the history of the drinking straw. It’s very much a story of American consumerism.
08 Jul, 2018
Itty bitty sites
Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link.
27 Jun, 2018
The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right
I knew I was opening pandora’s box, but I asked for diet advice on Twitter. I knew people tend to get a bit religious about dieting and are colored by their own experiences. That said, it’s a very difficult terrain […]
25 Jun, 2018
Distinct Design Systems
Here’s Dan with some smart words about the importance of baking the organization’s specific points of view, principles, and ingredients into their design system. In our work together, we’ve often used “better than Bootstrap” as a rallying cry. Dan explains: […]
24 Jun, 2018
I Don’t Believe In Full Stack Engneering
Here’s a good rant about the concept of full-stack developers. I tend to agree. In my experience, “full-stack developers” always translates to “programmers who can do frontend code because they have to and it’s ‘easy’.” Although I think the concept of […]
24 Jun, 2018
VS Code Can Do That?!
All the best things about Visual Studio Code that nobody ever bothered to tell you There’s some good stuff in here that I’ll be trying out. I switched to VSCode a while ago and it’s been quite enjoyable.
24 Jun, 2018
Reflections on building an MVP design system in 3 months
This post lays out a lot of the first steps of creating a design system in short order. I enjoy how the author reflected on some of the initial tool and process churn as the team found their bearings. This […]