Words that would otherwise be coming out of my mouth

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  1. 06 Dec, 2019

    Doing It Right

    I’ve been spending a lot of time getting things right. Like, really right. One thing about working on giant design systems is that every minor shortcut, every assumption, every “that should probably do it” gets blown to smithereens in the […]

  2. 06 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #5: jamming with Ian

    For day 4 of making something every day in December, I recorded a jam with Ian. This is a pretty typical lunchtime session for us: just a couple minutes between lunch and work to plunk around. Nothing fancy, but lots of […]

  3. 05 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #4: Animated atom SVG

    For day 4 of making something every day in December, I made an animated atom SVG on Codepen: See the Pen Animated atom SVG by Brad Frost (@bradfrost) on CodePen. I was feeling pretty tired last night so figured I’d […]

  4. 04 Dec, 2019

    Making things in December #3: Assembling a Jeweler’s Bench and Bonus Track

    For day 3 of making something every day in December, I assembled a jeweler’s bench for my wife, who runs a jewelry studio called Frost Finery. She’s moving out of current Frost Finery headquarters (in our basement) and getting a […]

  5. 03 Dec, 2019

    What is a quick fix? – Miscelanea

    Quick fixes usually get prioritized higher than bigger issues because they promise accomplishment, satisfaction, and the idea of incremental progress. But once you factor in the communication and collaboration tax–which varies across organizations–tackling the big stuff might not end up […]

  6. 02 Dec, 2019

    Music and Web Design

    There are a lot of parallels between music and web design/development. Here’s how I see it: Art and science Call it the difference between Type A vs Type B personalities. Or Right brain vs left brain. Or whatever other split […]

  7. 02 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December #1: New Song

    For my first day of making something every day in December, I recorded a song. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! A few notes and observations: I picked up on a guitar riff that my wife Melissa was […]

  8. 01 Dec, 2019

    Making Things in December

    So I landed in a rut. Creatively speaking, at least. I realized I’ve been generally feeling pretty uninspired lately and have also been getting worked up over some pretty inconsequential things. Obviously this isn’t a good place to be. I […]

  9. 22 Nov, 2019

    Atomic design / Pattern Lab logo shirt

    Like atomic design? Like Pattern Lab? Or even just like chemistry? You can order an atom t-shirt from Cotton Bureau. Thanks Brian for making this happen! 

  10. 19 Nov, 2019

    Back in 1900, activist W. E. B. Du Bois was using infographics to challenge white supremacy

    These infographics are beautiful and profound. Source: Back in 1900, activist W. E. B. Du Bois was using infographics to challenge white supremacy | It’s Nice That

  11. 04 Nov, 2019

    Location, Privilege and Performant Websites

    When we design and build our websites with the outliers in mind, whether it’s for performance or even user experience, we build an experience that can be easy for all to access and use — and that’s what the web is about, […]

  12. 04 Nov, 2019

    A Design System Governance Process

    You can have a comprehensive design system that contains a slew of well-structured components, thorough documentation, thoughtful guidelines, and a well-considered design language. But if a design system user can’t get done what they’re trying to get done, the whole […]

  13. 20 Oct, 2019

    A love letter to my website

    In contrast to our personal websites, we don’t own our social platforms. They own us. On top of eating our time, our emotions and our focus, they are demanding our privacy. Whether we realized it or not, we signed away […]

  14. 19 Oct, 2019

    SuperFriendly helped The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Build Three Sites With a Design System

    Here’s Dan’s great interview with our fantastic client Mamie Peers of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. We worked together to build them a new website and underlying design system to power their digital properties.

  15. 19 Oct, 2019

    Hello. We’re Sandwich.

    My buddy Andrew’s space agency Cosma Schema produced some phenomenal non-space branding and web work for Sandwich. Absolutely love the color-changing underlines on scroll.

  16. 19 Sep, 2019

    Initial thoughts on standardizing form controls

    Here’s Greg Whitworth with some good analysis and plan forward about how the platform can give more styling control to form controls. LONG OVERDUE. Source: Initial thoughts on standardizing form controls | Greg Whitworth

  17. 03 Sep, 2019

    A Year of Working Remotely

    This is a fantastic post breaking down the pros and cons of working remotely. If I had more time I’d love to go point by point through the post, but I’ll say I absolutely love working remotely. I may be […]

  18. 26 Aug, 2019

    Press This: Default category? | WordPress.org

    I’m also using the Press This bookmarklet and am looking to do the following: Create a default post format (“Link” post format) for posts coming from Press This Create a default category (i.e. “link”) for posts coming from Press This […]

  19. 23 Aug, 2019

    The ABCs of Design Systems – Curiosity by Design – Medium

    Some great thoughts in here. The ABCs of Design Systems – Curiosity by Design – Medium

  20. 22 Jul, 2019

    Design tools are holding us back

    This post by Tom Johnson gives a fantastic overview of the limitations of static design tools and design/dev handoff tools. The author breaks down the various ways static design tools are detached from the reality of how things truly play […]