I absolutely love Chris’s sentiment here.

It’s easy to get into a heated discussion about frameworks, what type of class names make the most sense, which optimization techniques are most important, or what part of your code base is should be responsible for styling. Those are great discussions that guide our industry.

But what is more important? The naming convention you chose or if your user can actually book a flight? Which state store library you picked or if you actually had the scarf your user was looking for? Which command line tool pulled your dependencies or whether someone was able to find and read the instructions to send in their court appeal?

People’s infatuation with tools is very interesting to me. I’ve worked with a lot of clients where people’s obsession over tool choices steamroll the entire effort and cause the whole project to take a weird left turn into no-man’s land. As Chris discusses in his post, sure specific tools or technologies matter to some degree, but at the end of the of the day the important thing is creating a real product for real people.