Posts Tagged ‘clarityconf’

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  1. 30 Aug, 2016

    Clarity Conf Video Online

    I kicked off the amazing Clarity Conf, a conference dedicated to style guides and design systems, earlier this year and they just posted the video of my talk. Enjoy. Or don’t. Whatever.

  2. 05 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Designing for Earthlings and Astronauts

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Richard Danne discussed his long experience creating style guides for massive organizations. Here are my notes from his talk: Richard didn’t invent the style guide, but worked on the NASA style guide, which was one of the […]

  3. 05 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Living Systems: Brand in the context of peoples lives.

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Jeremy Perez-Cruz talked about the human elements that go into great brand systems. Here are my notes: Jeremy founded Etsy’s global brand design studio, and he believes the future of branding is in-house. After that, he went […]

  4. 02 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Baking Accessibility In

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Cordelia McGee-Tubb talked about building accessibility into design systems. Here are my notes: Cordelia is an accessibility specialist at Dropbox and used to work at Salesforce. Accessibility is creating experiences that anyone can use regardless […]

  5. 02 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Communicating Animation

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Rachel Nabors talked about UI animation and how to document animation within a design system. Here are my notes: Rachel has worked on Dev Tools Challenger, Alice in Videoland, and helped with the motion portion of Salesforce’s […]

  6. 02 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Being Human, Being Slack

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Anna Pickard discussed everything that goes into creating a cohesive voice and tone at Slack. Here are my notes: Anna works at Slack, and is tasked with making a style guide to deal with the company’s fast […]

  7. 02 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Crawl, Walk, Run – the Evolution of a Design System

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Stephanie Rewis & Brandon Ferrua discussed the creation of the CSS framework that’s part of Salesforce’s Lightning Design System. Here are my notes: Salesforce has 20,000 employees and has made lots of acquisitions. There are internal developers […]

  8. 02 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Code Patterns for Pattern-Making

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Miriam Suzanne talked about establishing patterns to make your codebase easy to document and maintain. Here are my notes from her talk: Miriam works at Oddbird and is the creator of Susy amongst many other web tools. Patterns lead to […]

  9. 01 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Deconstructing Web Systems; or, A Pattern Language for Web Development

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Claudina Sarahe discussed the many types of patterns that make up frontend web systems. Here are my notes: Claudina works on Casper on their design system. Patterns are a collective memory of things which work in our […]

  10. 01 Apr, 2016

    Clarity Conference: Beyond the Toolkit: Spreading a System Across People & Products

    At Clarity Conference in San Francisco, Nathan Curtis talked about making design systems and how to make sure they take root at your organization. Here are my notes: Google hit a home run with Material Design, but is it all really […]

  11. 31 Mar, 2016

    Clarity Conf: Building empowering style guides with practical research

    At Clarity Conference, a conference all about design systems and style guides (!) in San Francisco, Isaak Hayes & Donna Chan describe their process for creating a style guide at AppDirect. Here are my notes: Style guides should be usable for […]