Meanwhile, on the Internet...
14 Jan, 2021
The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
Source: The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists – Scientific American
14 Jan, 2021
The Only Strategy Left for Democrats
Source: The Only Strategy Left for Democrats Democrats have been presented a mandate to govern aggressively on behalf of the people and the nation, and in the face of a violently unspooling and destructive right-wing party. Democrats have won the […]
12 Oct, 2020
Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies
The more I author code as it will be run by the browser the easier it will be to maintain that code over time Source: Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies – Jim Nielsen’s Weblog
05 Oct, 2020
Design Systems For Figma: Bringing Context To Design Systems
The products we design are always influenced by the users’ world where they are situated. By bringing context into design systems first, before building the components which result from it, we enable teams to make more confident decisions and deliver […]
24 Sep, 2020
Color within Constraints by Linzi Berry
Fantastic article by Linzi Berry about creating a smart, accessible color system to power a design system. Source: Color within Constraints. A scalable color system for digital… | by Linzi Berry | Tap to Dismiss
21 Sep, 2020
An Introduction to Multi-Platform Design Systems
This is a fantastic article about supporting multiple platforms with a design system. It maps very well to my experience helping organizations create and maintain technology-agnostic design systems. Ultimately, these efforts are way more a people thing than a technology […]
07 Sep, 2020
The American Death Cult
This is an important article that finally captures a source of frustration I have with right-wing politics. There is no rational, logical reason for not responding with all of our hearts and minds to save lives in this pandemic. But […]
24 Aug, 2020
The onion for Design Systems: atomic design and pace layering
I’ve always been surprised to see how people interpret/reinterpret atomic design, but I’ll say seeing atomic design mashed up with Stewart Brand was particularly surprising! Source: The onion for Design Systems: atomic design and pace layering
24 Aug, 2020
Shift Nudge – Interface Design Course
Shift Nudge is a new online course that teaches the intricate skills of designing visually beautiful interfaces, while balancing functionality and accessibility. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Matt on client work and he’s a very very very good […]
24 Aug, 2020
Design Systems For Figma
A collection of Design Systems for Figma from all over the globe 🌎 Source: Design Systems For Figma
10 Jun, 2020
Global and Component Style Settings with CSS Variables — Sara Soueidan
Sara shares how she’s structuring her CSS with CSS custom properties. This is all very relevant to the work I’m doing now. Source: Global and Component Style Settings with CSS Variables — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
31 May, 2020
Nice, Very Nice
Nice, Very Nice is a collection of UX/UI patterns for your inspiration.
26 May, 2020
RWD Weekly #411 Interview Series with Brad Frost | Responsive Web Design
I had the privilege of being interviewed in Justin Avery’s long-running RWD Weekly newsletter about the state of responsive design 10 years in. I weigh in on client expectations around responsive design, still unsolved responsive design challenges, and other things.
20 May, 2020
The Isolation Station with Brad Frost
I got to share my quarantine playlist on The Isolation Station, and gave a bit of context behind some of the picks in my interview.
18 May, 2020
The story behind that photo of the Pinto in front of the Mt. St. Helens
Being that Mt. St. Helens blew before I was born, I had never seen this photo. It’s wild, and the story behind it is even wilder! Source: The story behind that photo of the Pinto in front of the Mt. […]
05 May, 2020
Miscounted – Kate Daly – Medium
I have been sick with the symptoms of COVID-19 since March 11, 2020. Yet as far as I know, I’m not one of the red numbers you see on the news. I don’t know if I’m among the cases making […]
27 Apr, 2020
Brad Frost and Evan Lovely: Code is the Source of Truth
I had a great time chatting with Evan Lovely and Chris Strahl about treating code as the source of truth for design systems amongst other topics.
23 Apr, 2020
Low-Challenge, High-Skill Tasks in Terrible Times
This is really good stuff from Dave exploring work, mental health, and productivity in these surreal times. Depending on your situation, work still needs to happen… but it’s going to look different. Your core needs are different. Don’t feel pressure […]
17 Apr, 2020
The Weirdly Enduring Appeal of Weird Al Yankovic
I’ve been listening to Weird Al Yankovic my entre lif, and spent a good part of my childhood trying to make parody music like his. So this deep dive into Weird Al’s life and music was supremely entertaining for me. […]
13 Apr, 2020
BEM Naming Cheat Sheet by 9elements
This guide to BEM naming conventions is really great, and closely follows how we tend to write styles. Really cool site design too! Source: BEM Naming Cheat Sheet by 9elements