Source: Popcorn Style – Meetings that make you smile.

There’s so much greatness on display here. Popcorn Style is a tool for running standups in a way more efficient and fun way! Here’s why I love it:

  • Respect: we need to respect people and their time. Standup meetings often meander and waste peoples’ time. Popcorn Style is a forcing function to get to the meat so talented humans can go back to doing important things!
  • Fun: Friends, we need more FUN in our workday. This whole format is a vehicle for introducing much-needed fun into our professional lives. I mean, shit, look at how fun that interface is! And there are fun prompts like “What’s your go-to takeout order?” or you can create your own.
  • Cheap: 3 bucks a month. Man, more stuff needs this kind of pricing! Simple utilities that are worth at least a couple bucks.

I love Jamie, his playful spirit, and the fact that he’s delivered so much of that spirit in the form of cool software.

Seriously give it a try!