Responsive Web Design Newsletter

I’ve been getting this responsive design question on an increasingly-frequent basis: “Where do I go to learn about all this stuff?” I spend a lot of my time sharing responsive design resources on Twitter, but am finding that 140 characters isn’t enough space to properly articulate everything’s that’s going on.

To remedy this, I’m working on a lot of things right now that can hopefully help keep people up to speed with this crazy fast-moving stuff. The first of these efforts is a responsive web design newsletter. Check out the first issue and feel free to sign up.

Somewhere along the line I found that talking about and sharing all this stuff has become just as fun as making it. If you have any resources you’d like to be considered for the newsletter, hit me up on Twitter. Enjoy!


  1. Slainte!

  2. I really feel lucky to have come into Web design at this stage of everything. Responsive design takes a wee bit longer to plan, build, and test, but it is well worth the efforts.

    I like the way this site is minimalist, but yet still very pretty, with beautiful textures and color palates.

    Part of me gets scared about trying to change careers so late (I’m 40 right now), only because I feel like I don’t know enough people, or the right people, to get my foot in the door, and there are so many rock-star designers out there. But I’ve read a lot that says when you fear something, it means you’re on the right track towards a life-altering positive change. I’ve got to get out of working ten hours a day in the factory and spend that time working in a Web design studio, seeing what more experienced people do.

  3. look forward to the newsletter!

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